Character Sets
The standard GPT-4378-HP supports the following cha-
racter sets:
Special character sets available on request.
In te rf ac es • H P IR In te rf ac e
Ge BE E + F Gm bH • ww w .oe m- pri nte r .co m • SM AN -E- 471 -V2 .3 • The rm al Pri nte r GPT -43 78 / 437 9
The GPT -4378-HP emulates an HP82240B in text AND
graphics printing.
The transmission range r eaches 20 cm - 1 meter .
Command Set
Due to a command patch, the GeBE commands r e-
main usable, if 80hex ar e added to the command ope-
rator , e.g.: Switch to double height :
ESC "H+80hex" "1" = ESC C8hex "1"
A transmitted HP graphics byte is zoomed to the
printer mechanism for adjusting. Each
pixel is trippled in the dir ection of printing.
In horizontal dir ection, two sequential pixels ar e tripp-
led, but each thir d pixel is just doubled. This r esults in
a zoom factor of 2.66:1. This allows special characters
to be printed as graphics.
HP-Ir Pr otocol
While the GeBE-IR pr otocol and the IrDA pr otocol act
bidir ectionally , the HP-IR pr otocol only works unidir ec-
tionally ,i.e. the printer r eceives print data, but it cannot
send messages back (e.g. buf fer full). For this r eason,
the timing of the data transmission is tuned, so the
printer is guaranteed to always be able to print out the
data r eceived thr ough the HP-IR interface without the
loss of any data. The transmission speed is limited to
app. 800 baud.
When defective characters ar e r eceived, they ar e co-
r ected, if possible, or r eplaced with a ? character , if
they ar e uncorr ectable. A buf fer overflow is indicated
thr ough the character FChex.
Use of the Sleep Mode
After the sleep time set in the menu has passed, the
printer turns itself off.
(s tandar d value = 10 minutes).
The IR r eceiver is of f during sleep mode. Therefore, the
device has to be turned on explicitly for printing. The
power consumption is only about 18 µA in this mode.
However, for longer periods of inactivity, the printer
should be turned off completely by holding down the
NEXT/OFF key .
5.3 HP IR Interface
2. Font ECMA 94
1. Font Roman 8
Des crip tion
0A hex
04h ex
No act ion
0A hex
ESC FFh ex
ESC FEh ex
ESC FDh ex
ESC FCh ex
Res et
Sel f tes t
ES C @
Wid e prin t ON
Wid e prin t OFF
ESC FBh ex
ESC F Ahe x
ESC F9h ex
ESC F8h ex
Und erli ne ON
Und erli ne OFF
ECM A 94 cha ract er set
ROM AN 8 cha ract er set
ESC F7h ex
ESC 01h - A6h
Hex dum p mo de
ES C z
Gra phi cs
ESC <da ta> +80 hex GeB E com man d pat ch ESC <da ta>
Fon t 1
Fon t 2
Fon t 3
Fon t 4
ESC F8h ex
Geb e 9x2 2
GeB E 7x1 6
ESC D0h ex "2"
ESC D0h ex "3"
EC MA 94
ESC F9h ex
Data T ransmission Format for Failur e-Fr ee Operation
of the GeBE-FLASH
The IR r eceiver of the GeBE-FLASH
has the ability to
inhibit failur es due to ambient light. However , continously
sent data of mor e than 140 bytes without a pause bet-
ween the bytes may cause the printer to become sensiti-
ve to ambient light. The optical filter that is installed as a
standar d will r educe this ef fect, but it cannot completely
cancel it. It is ther efor e r ecommended to incr ease the
specified interframe delay fr om 600µs to at least 1.5 ms
after a continous data transmission of no mor e than 140
bytes. A general interframe delay of 1.5 ms between the
transmitted bytes would be even better .
Generally , this should not be a pr oblem r egar ding the
print speed, since most pint data is sent in blocks with a
waiting period between the blocks, in or der to pr event ol-
der , slower printers fr om being overrun with data.