Ge BE E + F Gm bH • ww w .oe m- pri nte r .co m • SM AN -E- 471 -V2 .3 • The rm al Pri nte r GPT -43 78 / 437 9
Almost all commands that the printer can r eceive
thr ough the interfaces and then perform can be put
into the batch files. When a batch file is pr ocessed,
the commands it contains ar e added to the data
str eam of the print pr ogram sequentially , as if they
wer e coming thr ough the interface fr om outside. This
way , all settings that can be done by command can be
pr ocessed via batch file. Besides settings commands,
batch files can also contain text and graphics.
The file structur e consists of one TINIT , which is pr o-
cessed with each system boot-up, as well as 10 files
that can be used fr eely , which ar e r etrieved by com-
mand. Some of these files can be addr essed thr ough
additional events. If the contr oller has an EEPROM, it
contains a file structur e that is identical to that of the
pr ogram memory (Flash).
When a filed is r etrieved, the printer will check, if it
contains data in the EEPROM. If it does not, the file
will be pr ocessed in the Flash. This allows Flash files
to be over -written.
The following batch files ar e accessable:
Allocated in the Flash Memory , Factory Settings:
• "TINIT" ... settings after har dwar e RESET
• "T0 " ..... self test thr ough FEED key after r eset
• "T1 " ..... form feed thr ough NEXT key <1 sec.
• "T2 " ..... power -of f thr ough OFF key >3 sec.
• "T3 - T9" : unused
T ext or Graphics, Batch Files in the EEPROM
For the printing of text and graphics, the GPT -4378
has an 8 KB EEPROM (app. 6 KB can be used for lo-
gos), and the GPT -4379 has a 32 KB EEPROM (app.
30 KB can be used for logos).
It is r ecommended to stor e logos PCL compr essed.
By using the Windows driver , compr ession rates of
app. 3 - 4:1 can be achieved.
For comparison: Uncompr essed full graphics of 5 cm
length take up 20 KB, while they only r equir e app.
5,7KB when compr essed.
Configuration of the Printer with TMenu and TINIT
After a har dwar e RESET (connecting the power supply),
the printer will check for a pr escribed TMenu and/or
TINIT in the EEPROM. If it finds one or both, it will pr o-
cess the batch file commands and will then be r eady for
operation. If not, it will pr ocess the TMenu and/or the
TINIT containing the factory settings in the Flash.
The OPD-Menue
is a printer function that allows the
user to edit the TMenu in the EEPROM. The TMenu can
only be changed thr ough the OPD Menu.
Structur e of the TMenu:
{power consumption}
<ESC>]<DEZ115><DEZ4 0
{baud rate, settings}
{power -down time}
{text orientation}
{text size}
{text spacing}
{print width}
The TINIT is always processed subseque nt to the TMe-
nu. In the TINIT , other presets that were not incorpor ated
in the menu can be executed. It also allows settings to
be blocked in the menu by repeatin g them here.
The followin g TINIT file is an example of a file that can
be modified by the user .
It is availabl e for downloa ding from the Internet at the
URL: www .oem-pri nter .com/flash .
The file will erase the TINIT , while printing out all actions
in italic at the same time.
Any command s can be entered in the TINIT .
Erase Tinit ...
Special number S-??? / Status 24nov03
Program tinit with GE-xxxx...
<ESC>s@PROG<00h><11 h>
<ESC>r1<28h><3Ch><01 h><12h> {char ging parame-
<A9h><01h><3Ch><01h> <40h>
<19h><01h><85h><0Ah> <8Ch>
All programmed!
10 B at ch Fi le s
If a command of the TMenu is r epeated in
the TINIT , this value can no longer be chan-
ged thr ough the menu.
Creating and Saving Logos:
A special printer driver is available for cr ea-
ting logos.
B at ch Fi le s
1 8
By using these files in the EEPROM you
ar e changing the standar d factory settings