C on te nt s • Sy m bo ls
Ge BE E + F Gm bH • ww w .oe m- pri nte r .co m • SM AN -E- 471 -V2 .3 • The rm al Pri nte r GPT -43 78 / 437 9
Sy m bo ls an d th ei r M ea ni ng
Please r ead all safety instructions, marked with a
, and important information, marked with a
, very car e-
Safety instructions
r egar d your
personal safety ,
and ar e to
be adher ed to at all times
. It is essential to forwar d
these instructions to all other personal using this device.
Important information
r efers to equipment safety ,
pr eventing you fr om damaging your device
The adher ence of all instructions, as well as the appr opriate application and use in accor dance with the
operating instructions ar e binding for the pr oduct liability and the pr oduct warranty . Attempts by the custo-
mer to r epair the device make all warranty claims null and void.
If you have technical questions, please contact GeBE T echnical Support.
Instructions marked with a
r equir e consultation with GeBE T echnical Support.
Tips ar e marked with a
and will help you to utilize your printer to its fullest.
Documents or Inter net links ar e marked with a
, r eferring to mor e detailed or additional information.
Safety Instructions
Packing List
Connecting the Printer
Operation: Inserting Paper
Key Functions
Status Messages thr ough LEDs
Batch Files
Magnetic Car d Reader (optional)
Character Sets
Accessories and Spar e Parts
Err or Detection and Recovery
CE Certification
T echnical Data
C o nt en ts
T echnology and configuration of the pr oduct described in this manual comply with the latest national and inter na-
tional standar ds r egar ding both functionality and safety . Advancements and impr ovements ar e incorporated r egu-
larly , and, ther efor e, illustrations, measur ements, technical data, and general contents mentioned below ar e sub-
ject to change without notice.
These operating instructions will help you to operate our pr oduct, which has been developed and manufactur ed
in accor dance with the latest technology , optimally and safely . Please r ead this manual car efully befor e operating
the pr oduct for the first time, and keep it available in or der to r efer ence it when needed.
If you have any further questions, please contact our staf f. Y ou can find all necessary phone numbers and Email
addr esses in the chapter "Service and Maintenance".