background image

 T ec hn ic al  D at a 

• M ec ha ni ca l D im en si on s 

2 4 

Ge BE E + F Gm bH  • ww w .oe m- pri nte r .co m • SM AN -E- 471 -V2 .3 • The rm al Pri nte r GPT -43 78 / 437 9 

GP T -43 78  / 43 79 

GP T -43 79 -FL ASH -HP 

Pri nt pro ced ure 

Pap er/ pri nt wid th/ dia me ter 

Co mp lete  fixe d the rm al lin e 

The rm al pap er:  57. 0 ± 0.5 mm  /  48m m / ma x. 31m m / app . 12m  at 60 g/m 2  

Re sol uti on 
Pri nt spe ed 
La you t op tio ns 

Ch ara cte r set s, cpl 

8 dot s / mm  (20 3 dpi ) , 384  dot s / pri nt lin e 

up to 50m m/s  / 16 lin es/ s lin e / 3m m, i.e.  24 pri nt lin es hig h 

T ext ; gra phi cs, T ext -/d ata  mo de;  bar  cod e; gra y on wh ite;  inv ert ed wh ite on bla ck, 

cha rac ter s spr ead  in hei ght  and  wid th 

24 (32 , 42,  or 54)  sel ect  by con tro l com ma nd or me nu 

24  Zei che n/Z eil e 

Ba r cod e 

RS 23 2 /TT L 
inte rfa ce pa ram ete rs 

Pri nte r Inc om min g Buf fer 

Infr are d inte rfa ce pa ram e- 
ter s 

Co de 39 , 2 of 5 int,  EAN 13 , EAN 8 

Ser ial  RS 23 2 (op tion  TTL ) 
Bau d rat es:  1,2 00;   2,4 00;   4,8 00;   9,6 00;   19, 200 ;  38, 400 ; 57, 600 ; 1 15, 200 
Da ta bits : 

7, 8;  stop  bits : 

1, 2;    par ity: 

no n, od d, eve n 

Ha nd sha ke:  Ha rdw are  an d XON  / XOF F 


255  Byte  /  XOF F bei  224  Byte  / XON  bei  32 Byte 

HP  IR Pro toc ol: app . 800  bau d, onl y rec ept ion 
GeB E IR Pro toc ol: 9,6 00,  38, 400 , 57, 600 , or 1 15, 200  bau d, 8 dat a bits , non  par ity , 1 sto p bit 
IrD A:  aut om atic  set ting  acc . to IrD A  ; 9,6 00,  38, 400 , 57, 600 , or 1 15, 200  bau d 

Ma gne tic car d rea der  (op ti- 
on ) 
Bat ch file s 
Da ta com pre ssi on 
Ba tter ies 

Ma gne tic car d rea der , ISO  355 4,  3 tra cks 

T ext  and  gra phi cs (lo go pri ntin g);  pre set ting  of par am ete rs thr oug h me nu 

(PC L) fac tor  app . 3 :1 (fo r gra phi cs com ma nds ); PC  com pat ibl e; Win dow s dri ver 

B a t t e r y  p a c k  4 x  N i M H  c e l l s ,  1 , 5 0 0  m A h  •  o p t i o n s  for  OE M :   L i - I o n  b a t t e r y 

4 x  N i M H  ( A A )  M i g n o n ,  e x t e r n e  a u f g e l a d e n 

Ma x. tem p. du rin g cha rgi ng 
Ch arg er for  GPT -43 78 
Ch arg er for  GPT -43 79 
Bat ter ies  /re cha rge abl e bat - 
ter ies 

30  °C 

 unr egu late d plu g-i n pow er sup ply   6 V , 500  mA    

-- - 

10  - 28 VD C, min . 80 0 mA 

Op tion  for  OEM : 4x Mig non  (AA ) typ e: LR 6 in bat ter y com par tme nt, con nec ted  thr oug h spr ing 

con tac ts 

-- - 

4 x 1,5 V  Le istu ng sba tter ien  Mig no n 

Ma x. cur ren t du rin g pri ntin g 
Pow er con s. sta nd ard 
Pow er con sum ptio n  BT 
Pow er con sum ptio n  US B 

Ca n be lim ited  by com ma nd to ma x. 0,7 A  - 6A  (ad jus tme nt to ope rat ing  vol tag e) 

On lin e Idle -M ode : typ . 5 mA ; Sle ep- Mo de:  typ . 25  µA;  Pow er- Of f-M ode : < 1 µA 

On lin e Idl e-M od e: typ . 30  m A; Sle ep- Mo de:  typ . 1,5  mA ; Pow er- Of f-M ode : < 1 µA 

On lin e Idle -M od e: ty p. 10  m A; Sle ep- Mo de:  typ . 25  µA;  Pow er- Of f-M ode : < 1 µA 

Env iro nm en t 

Dim en sio ns in mm 
W eig ht 

0 °C to 50 °C ( -10  °C to +60  °C wit h Ge BE HQ  pap er) 

10 % to 80 %  rel ativ e hum idi ty , no mo istu re con den sat ion 

50 km  pri nte d pap er (wi th the rm al pap er spe cifi ed by Ge BE ) 

76 ,8 mm  x 77 ,4 mm  x 39 ,3 mm 

app . 350  g inc l. pap er rol l 

Ho usi ng 
No rm s 

PC -AB S mit  15%  Gla sfa ser , ähn lich  RA L  701 5 

CE : see  dec lar atio n of con for mit y 

17  T ec hn ic al  D at a 

18  M ec ha ni ca l D im en si on s 

Содержание FLASH GPT-4378

Страница 1: ...0 Germering Germany www oem printer com Phone 49 0 89 894141 0 Fax 49 0 89 8402168 E Mail sales ef gebe net The GeBE logo is a registered trademark of GeBE Elektronik und Feinwerktechnik GmbH All other brands named in this brochure are properties of the respective companies Errors and changes reserved The technical data given are non committal information and do not represent any assurance of cert...

Страница 2: ... a referring to more detailed or additional information Chapter Safety Instructions Packing List Connecting the Printer Interfaces Operation Inserting Paper Key Functions OPD Menue Status Messages through LEDs Batch Files Magnetic Card Reader optional Character Sets Accessories and Spare Parts Error Detection and Recovery CE Certification Technical Data Page 3 5 6 7 12 14 14 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2...

Страница 3: ... prevent burning accidents Do not put heat sensitive objects close to this heat source Avoid constant high humidity and condensation Pro tect the device from being splashed and from getting in contact with chemicals Only use spare parts and accessories supplied or authorized by GeBE The use of unauthorized parts or accessories may affect the function and safety of the device All parts included are...

Страница 4: ...aving a capacity of 1500mAh up to 5 paper rolls can be printed On re quest the GeBE FLASH can be equipped with Li Ion batteries The printer version GPT 4379 FLASH HP is operated with 4 single AA batteries Intelligent power managment increases the operatio nal readiness The printer can switch into a sleep mode that will still allow it to receive data In sleep mode the power consumption can be lower...

Страница 5: ... to the supplier with the defective part s 6 No see be low 1 Article No 11943 The Series GPT 4379 FLASH is equipped with the Controller GCT 4379 different options pos sible GPT 4379 FLASH V 24 Ir Set 2 3 4 5 11944 11983 GPT 4379 FLASH BT Set GPT 4378 FLASH V 24 Ir Set 11941 11940 GPT 4378 FLASH BT Set GPT 4378 FLASH USB Set EE PR OM KB 32 Power Fix ed Vpl tag e 4 5 6 5 V 32 8 8 8 Ext ern al Cha rg...

Страница 6: ...NEXT button for 3 seconds It is turned on by pressing the FEED ENTER button or by connecting the charger There is a component option available that allows the printer to be switched through the RTS line Charging the GPT 4378 79 The GPT 4378 is equipped with an intelligent charging circuit without charging current limiting The current li miting is ensured through the use of the power supply that is...

Страница 7: ...ial version with 3 3V TTL levels is available GeBE COM In this setting the printer uses the GeBE Ir protocol for communicating The protocol can be used through the RS232 as well as the TTL Through the CRC protected transmission blocks a secu re data connection can be realized Also see Infrared Interfaces GeBE Dok Nr MAN D 394 5 Interfaces 5 1 Serial Interfaces Timing of the Serial RS232 TTL Interf...

Страница 8: ...r status is sent back to the host The implementation is easy to realize The protocol is disclosed 5 2 Infrared Interfaces IrDA Protocol In the menu setting the selected baud rate represents the maximum baud rate If 57 600 baud is selected for example the printer will start to communicate with 9 600 baud and then switch up to 57 600 or 38 400 baud depending on the transmitter The maximum baud rate ...

Страница 9: ...the printer turns itself off standard value 10 minutes The IR receiver is off during sleep mode Therefore the device has to be turned on explicitly for printing The power consumption is only about 18 µA in this mode However for longer periods of inactivity the printer should be turned off completely by holding down the NEXT OFF key 5 3 HP IR Interface 2 Font ECMA 94 1 Font Roman 8 HP Description G...

Страница 10: ...drivers can be found on the GeBE website Please read the included installation instructi ons Before the initial operation the matching virtual COM port driver VCP driver and the printter driver have to be installed Setting the VCP Driver The example shows the setting with Windows 2000 The procedure is very similar with XP or Windows 98 Starting with the Windows START menu select Con trol Panel and...

Страница 11: ...connec tion The power consumption in this mode is about 1 5mA When the printer is reactivated through the feed but ton the BT tranceiver will remain in sniff mode After the set time period the printer will go back into sleep mode If you are not planning to operate the printer for several days switch it off with the OFF NEXT key After the po wer is turned on it will take a minimum of 10 seconds for...

Страница 12: ...parking tickets Two ply Paper prints two layers The first layer can be taken up with the paper rewinder option Adhesive Labels are connected through perforation There is a black mark between the labels for correct positioning This is the only type of labels that can be printed with the GeBE FLASH long preservation Paper for Documents is a paper that preserves its printed image for at least 15 or 9...

Страница 13: ...rse environmental conditions it may be necessary to clean the print head sensor and the pla ten roll especially if some areas are no longer printed properly Open paper supply lid and remove paper roll Loosen dirt particles at the paper sensor and the tear off bar with a small brush Blow forcefully into the paper supply compartment in order to remove the coarse dust Soak Q tip in isopropanol IPA an...

Страница 14: grammed as an OFF button for the printer controller with power off mode SET Key rently without function Key FEED ENTER Key OFF NEXT Action pressed held down 2s not pressed not pressed paper feed by one line continous paper feed pressed during power on 1s held down during power on paper inserted 2s held down during power on no paper 2s pressed in hexdunp mode no paper not pressed not pressed rea...

Страница 15: ...RINTER SETUP Press ENTER to modify Press NEXT to store and continue Press NEXT ENTER to save and exit Density 25 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 90 2ply Speed Quality med 64 low Depending on the Printer typ low 32 med med 64 med med 64 low high 96 low Interface RS232 USB Blue RS232 USB Blue IrDA GeBE IR GeBE COM Baudrate 9600 1200 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 57600 115200 COM parameter n 8 Tx n 7 Tx o 7 Tx e 7...

Страница 16: ...RTC SETUP Press ENTER to modify Press NEXT to store and continue Press NEXT ENTER to save and exit 00 49 Year 03 01 12 Month 11 01 31 Date 14 01 07 Day 7 00 23 Hour 13 00 59 Minute 33 1 00 00 ON Change alarm Press ENTER to change Press NEXT to skip Press NEXT ENTER to save and exit ALARM SETUP Press ENTER to modify Press NEXT to store and continue Press NEXT ENTER to save and exit 01 07 Day 7 mean...

Страница 17: ...z slow L app 0 16Hz Status LED Faultless operation After reset After watch dog reset Error end R R X 1 31 M green Level on the status lines only short term during phase of initialization Message XON R X or error Crashing program also after hardware software and watchdog resets Buffer empty Buffer full Synchronous feed back Battery charging X ON X OFF all characters Formatting Fast charge Trickle c...

Страница 18: ...l graphics of 5 cm length take up 20 KB while they only require app 5 7KB when compressed Configuration of the Printer with TMenu and TINIT After a hardware RESET connecting the power supply the printer will check for a prescribed TMenu and or TINIT in the EEPROM If it finds one or both it will pro cess the batch file commands and will then be ready for operation If not it will process the TMenu a...

Страница 19: ...ter Track 1 P 543210 1 000000 0 000001 hex 00 01 space 0 000010 1 000011 0 000100 1 000101 02 03 04 05 start 1 000110 0 000111 0 001000 1 001001 06 07 08 09 hex 0 100000 1 100001 20 21 A 1 100010 0 100011 22 23 1 100100 0 100101 24 25 B C D E 0 100110 1 100111 26 27 0 101010 1 101011 28 29 F G H I 1 001010 0 001011 1 001100 0 001101 0A 0B 0C 0D 0 001110 1 001111 0 010000 1 010001 0E 0F 10 11 0 1 1...

Страница 20: ...t Cyrillic Optionally Available Character Sets The following character sets are currently available and can be programmed into the Flash memory of the µ processor in exchange for other character sets Please contact us with your inquiry On request GeBE can also create other character sets Dots horiz x vert Characters Line IBMII IBMII 16x24 24 14x 22 27 IBMII IBMII IBMII IBMII90 11x22 34 9x 22 42 7x...

Страница 21: ...1937 11542 GMT 437x Flash Tasche GMT 4392 LEVER tr Belt holster Opening lid lever transparent 11975 12004 11953 GKA 484 1 2000 GKA 488 FLASH CAR Charging cable one end open 12 24V automotive charging cable GKA 492 GKA 483 RS232 data cable one end open RS232 data cable at D SUB 9 pin to PC 11919 11360 11453 GKA 480 GNG 4 8V 1 5Ah NiMH Pack 070 USB data cable at USB type A to PC NiMH battery pack 4 ...

Страница 22: ... that are able to supply high currents and that have a high energy capacity External power supply Use power supply with sufficient di mension and short feed lines Check all connections for pos sible transfer resistances Since high peak currents occur with thermal printers even the smallest transfer resistances can re sult in intolerable voltage drops In this case no power supply would be strong en...

Страница 23: ...time failure and the printer on the other hand re turns to its normal functional status afterwards Component CE in particular Printer GNG 6V 0 5A U CE CE see declaration of conformity EN 55024 50082 1 60335 1 60742 60950 A1 and A2 GNG 12V 1 2A AC Bluetooth transmitter RS I IrDA receiver CE CE EN 55024 55022 61000 60950 50081 1 2 IEC 60950 ETS 300 328 2 ETS 301 489 1 and 17 FCC Rules Part 15 RSS 21...

Страница 24: ...rd reader opti on Batch files Data compression Batteries Magnetic card reader ISO 3554 3 tracks Text and graphics logo printing presetting of parameters through menu PCL factor app 3 1 for graphics commands PC compatible Windows driver Battery pack 4x NiMH cells 1 500 mAh options for OEM Li Ion battery 4x NiMH Max temp during charging Charger for GPT 4378 Charger for GPT 4379 Batteries rechargeabl...
