Ge BE E + F Gm bH • ww w .oe m- pri nte r .co m • SM AN -E- 471 -V2 .3 • The rm al Pri nte r GPT -43 78 / 437 9
1 3
O pe ra tio n: In se rt in g Pa pe r
Exchanging Batteries
The lid of the battery compartment on the bottom
of the printer can be easily opened by pr essing a coin
against the spring latch.
6. Exchanging Battery Packs
The 7 pin battery connector (14) is accessable
thr ough the window in the bottom of the battery com-
partment (see description on page 3). By pulling at the
connection cable of the battery pack with for ce, con-
nector (14) is unplugged fr om the socket. The connec-
tor of the new battery pack can be plugged in using
taper -nose pliers (tweezers).
Replacing battery cells for printer versions
with contact springs inside the battery com-
Each cell has to be oriented accor ding to the polarity
as shown at the bottom of the compartment (alter na-
ting fr om one position to the next).
Pleasedispose of batteries in accor dance with your lo-
cal envir onmental r egulations, or send them on your
costs (DDP) back to us. Never thr ow batteries in the
7. Maintenance, Cleaning:
After lar ger print ef forts, depending on the paper qua-
lity and adverse envir onmental conditions, it may be
necessary to clean the print head, sensor , and the pla-
ten r oll, especially , if some ar eas ar e no longer printed
pr operly .
• Open paper supply lid and r emove paper r oll.
• Loosen dirt particles at the paper sensor and the
tear -of f bar with a small brush.
• Blow for cefully into the paper supply compartment
in or der to r emove the coarse dust.
• Soak Q-tip in isopr opanol (IP A) and clean the print
head, or use print head cleaning pin/cleaning car d.
• Other stubbor n debris can also be r emoved with a
Q-tip (IP A).
For ope rati ons with a cloc k, you hav e ma x.
one min ute to exc han ge bat teri es bef or e
the cloc k lose s its set ting .
13 Battery compartment lid with spring catch
14 battery plug connection, 7pin
16 Spring contacts for battery connection (option)
17 battery plug connection, 6pin
is secur ed against
usual maloperations. An explosion risk due
to the insertion of a wr ong battery type, a
short cir cuit, manipulations at the battery ,
or temperatur es above 80 °C can not be
Never use sharp objects for cleaning. This
might cause damage to the print head.
20 Paper tear -of f bar
21 Print head
22 Paper sensor
Only or der the battery type given in this ma-
nual. Befor e inserting it, check for the cor -
r ect part number , to ensur e you ar e using
the corr ect type.