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Check for proper voltage at receptacle?
Remove cover. Check for CDC and Aux Mode 2 setting.
If on wall thermostat make sure Aux Mode 6 is on.
If unit is on CDC remove 1 lead to disable CDC.
Remove leads to thermostat, at unit.
Jump “R” to “Gh” on terminal board.
Fan should run, if not troubleshoot to driver board.
Reconnect leads to unit and remove leads at thermostat.
Jump the wires that were on “R” and “G” on thermostat.
If unit runs at terminal board but not at wall wiring problem.
If unit runs both ways, thermostat is defective.
If not on wall thermostat, Set all Aux Modes to off.
If still DEAD, check for 24VAC at terminals R to C.
If voltage present continue troubleshooting to boards.
If no voltage present suspect bad LV transformer or wiring.
If ON electronic thermostat does it light up?
24VAC at “R” to “C”?
Is Aux Mode 6 in the on position?
Does unit operate on controls if Aux Mode 6 turned off?