SecoGear Medium-voltage Switchgear Application and Technical Guide
Control Power Equipment
©2017 General Electric All Rights Reserved
When operating at nameplate rating, SecoGear Metal-clad
switchgear heat losses per section should be estimated by
adding the individual components of heat loss as shown in
Table 3-10 and then add each item from Table 3-11 as
they apply in the switchgear line-up.
Table 3-10: Heat Loss per Breaker
Breaker and Bus Work Per Vertical Section
Heat Loss
1-1200 A breaker
485 W
1-2000 A breaker
880 W
2-1200 A breakers, stacked
944 W
1-1200 A & 1-2000 A breaker, stacked
1365 W
To the above figures add the following as they apply to the
Table 3-11: Heat Loss per Section
SecoGear Sections or Component
Heat Loss
Each vertical section with simple (typical)
relaying and control
150 W
Each vertical section with complex relaying
and control (differential relaying, backup
protective relays, etc.)
330 W
Each VT rollout
50 W
Each CPT rollout up to 15 kVA
600 W
Equipment heaters if supplied (per section)
300 W
The following formulas convert Watts to BTUs:
BTUs per minute = Watts x 0.05688
BTUs per hour = Watts x 3.4128