SecoGear Medium-voltage Switchgear Application and Technical Guide
SecoGear Switchgear Concepts and Basic Configurations
©2017 General Electric All Rights Reserved
This Application Guide provides information necessary to
help plan and specify medium-voltage power system
switchgear by utilizing SecoGear Metal-clad switchgear.
This publication can be used to write complete
specifications for most switchgear applications. Included is
guidance in equipment layout, ratings, relay protection,
and references to appropriate standards and literature.
General Electric engineering services, under special
contract agreements, will perform power system studies,
including the necessary calculations and comparisons.
The first four sections of this guide discuss topics
applicable to any type of medium-voltage metal-clad
switchgear. Information is provided for circuit breaker
ratings and selection, control power requirements, basic
circuit protections considerations, and specific
recommendations for protection, instrumentation, and
control for basic switchgear circuits.
The remaining sections of the application guide explain
SecoGear application and specification. The modular
construction and the use of multifunction relays and
meters are basic to SecoGear and are shown through
application details covering the use of SecoGear
switchgear and SecoVac breakers in basic circuit
applications. Also included are auxiliary unit and power
conductor compartment structuring.
After selecting individual units, an optimum lineup
configuration can be developed using the guidelines given.
A specification procedure, complete with Guide Form
Specifications, is recommended to facilitate the
documentation of SecoGear Metal-clad switchgear
Start with your system voltage and current requirements,
and work through the guide in a step-by-step fashion. The
guide’s structure is based on extensive engineering
experience and will serve as a checklist to aid in preparing
complete specifications.
A brief introduction to SecoGear will serve as a useful
starting point to begin the application procedure.
SecoGear Metal-clad switchgear is designed to house the
latest GE vacuum circuit breaker, SecoVac VB2+, and can
be used for applications on 4.76 kV, 8.25 kV, and 15 kV
power systems for 31.5 kA and 40 kA. A typical section of
SecoGear with a single breaker and rollout compartment is
shown in Figure 1-1.
Figure 1-1: Typical SecoGear 2-High Section
SecoGear metal-clad switchgear is designed with a full IEEE
metal-clad compartment, bus, and cabling isolation.
SecoVac breakers offer the benefits of reliable vacuum
interrupters, low maintenance, and reduced breaker size
and weight.
Specifically, SecoGear switchgear incorporates the
following basic design elements:
SecoGear provides two-high breaker stacking for
application flexibility and floor space savings