Gas Detection (Australia) Pty Ltd Page 27 of 44
M-GDA-3000 Rev 1
When the measured gas value falls under 90% of preset value, a
message “UNDER” will be displayed in every second. In this case,
standard output will fall to under 2mA.
This function can be av
ailable only if UNDER function turns ON.
(Refer to page 34 regarding turning on this function)
If a fault condition exists, the fault code and message will be displayed.
In this case, standard output will fall to under 2mA.
Left-hand side figure is an example screen of fault 04 state which
indicates that no sensor is connected.
After password has been confirmed, the detector will go into level1
Select PROGRAMMABLE MODE by touching “↑” or “↓” switch.
At this moment, if function key is touched, the detector will go into
programmable mode Level2 submenu.
This mode is to set gas group. Whenever “↑” or “↓” switch is
touched, gas group name will be changed. (HC/PROPANE/CO/CO2)
This m
ode is to set gas name. Whenever “↑” or “↓” switch is touched,
gas name will be changed.
This mode is to set measurement unit. Whenever “↑” or “↓” switch is
touched, unit will be changed. (% / %LEL / PPM / PPB)
This mode is to set decimal point. When
ever “↑” or “↓” switch is
touched, the decimal point will be changed.(0.100/1.00/10.0/100)
This mode is to set high scale value which is displayed on full range.
Whenever “↑” or “↓” switch is touched, the high scale value will be
higher or lower. (1-10000)
This mode is to set password. The password will be checked when the
user attempts to enter parameter program mode or maintenance
mode. (0-99)