Target ID Information
Digital Target ID
The large Digital Target ID number in the lower cen-
ter of the LCD provides a value from 0 to 99 to identify
targets more precisely than the ID Cursor. The Target
ID Legend at top works with the Target ID cursor to
indicate a target’s probable identity, with ferrous (iron)
targets at the left, non-ferrous targets that are thin or
have low conductivity in the middle, and thick or high
conductivity targets (e.g. thick silver) at the right.
Target ID Legend
Target ID Cursor
(upper scale)
(lower scale)
Digital Target ID
Target ID can vary widely based upon the
target’s size and thickness because small, thin pieces of
metal cannot conduct electrical current as well as
thicker pieces of metal. In addition, mineralized soils
can cause Target ID errors, especially for small targets.
Target ID is most reliable when the target is cen-
tered under the searchcoil and the coil is swept flat and
at a constant height above the ground.
Ferrous targets (Digital ID < 35)
such as nails, iron, steel, etc.
Ferrous and
very low
targets like
nickels and
small jewelry
Non-ferrous targets,
including large
jewelry and coins
such as U.S. pennies
Non-ferrous targets of
high conductivity
ID >79)
, including larger
silver coins