Finding a Saved Waypoint
1 Press MENU twice to open the main menu.
2 Select Waypoint Manager.
3 If necessary, press MENU to narrow the search.
4 If necessary, select an option:
• Select Spell Search to search using the name of the waypoint.
• Select Search Near to search near a recently found location, another waypoint, your current location, or a
point on the map.
• Select Sort to view the list of waypoints based on nearest distance or alphabetical order.
5 Select a waypoint from the list.
Editing a Waypoint
1 Press MENU twice to open the main menu.
2 Select Waypoint Manager.
3 Select a saved waypoint.
4 Select an item to edit, such as the name or location.
5 Enter the new information, and select Done.
Deleting a Waypoint
1 Press MENU twice to open the main menu.
2 Select Waypoint Manager.
3 Select a waypoint.
4 Press MENU.
5 Select Delete.
Changing the Photo for a Waypoint
1 Press MENU twice to open the main menu.
2 Select Waypoint Manager.
3 Select a waypoint.
4 Press MENU.
5 Select Change Photo.
6 Select a photo.
7 Select Use.
Increasing the Accuracy of a Waypoint Location
You can refine the accuracy of a waypoint location by averaging the location data. When averaging, the device
takes several GPS readings at the same location and uses the average value to provide more accuracy.
1 Press MENU twice to open the main menu.
2 Select Waypoint Manager.
3 Select a waypoint.
4 Press MENU.
5 Select Average Location.
6 Move to the waypoint location.
7 Select Start.
8 Follow the on-screen instructions.
9 When the confidence status bar reaches 100%, select Save.
For best results, collect four to eight samples for the waypoint, waiting at least 90 minutes between samples.