Speed - Maximum: The highest speed reached since the last reset.
Speed - Moving Avg.: The average speed while moving since the last reset.
Speed - Overall Avg.: The average speed while moving and stopped since the last reset.
Stopwatch Timer: The stopwatch time for the current activity.
Sunrise: The time of sunrise based on your GPS position.
Sunrise/Sunset: The time of the next sunrise or sunset based on your GPS position.
Sunset: The time of sunset based on your GPS position.
Temperature: The temperature of the air. Your body temperature affects the temperature sensor. Your device
must be connected to a tempe
sensor for this data to appear.
Temperature - Water: The temperature of the water. Your device must be connected to a NMEA 0183 device
capable of acquiring the water temperature.
Time of Day: The time of day based on your current location and time settings (format, time zone, daylight
saving time).
Time to Destination: The estimated time remaining before you reach the destination. You must be navigating
for this data to appear.
Time to Next: The estimated time remaining before you reach the next waypoint in the route. You must be
navigating for this data to appear.
To Course: The direction in which you must move to get back on the route. You must be navigating for this data
to appear.
Total Lap: The stopwatch time for all the completed laps.
Trip Odometer: A running tally of the distance traveled since the last reset.
Trip Time: A running tally of the total time spent moving and not moving since the last reset.
Trip Time - Moving: A running tally of the time spent moving since the last reset.
Trip Time - Stopped: A running tally of the time spent not moving since the last reset.
Turn: The angle of difference (in degrees) between the bearing to your destination and your current course. L
means turn left. R means turn right. You must be navigating for this data to appear.
Velocity Made Good: The speed at which you are closing on a destination along a route. You must be navigating
for this data to appear.
Vertical Dist. to Dest.: The elevation distance between your current position and the final destination. You must
be navigating for this data to appear.
Vertical Dist. to Next: The elevation distance between your current position and the next waypoint in the route.
You must be navigating for this data to appear.
Vertical Speed: The rate of ascent or descent over time.
Vertical Speed to Dest.: The rate of ascent or descent to a predetermined altitude. You must be navigating for
this data to appear.
Waypoint at Dest.: The last point on the route to the destination. You must be navigating for this data to appear.
Waypoint at Next: The next point on the route. You must be navigating for this data to appear.
Optional Accessories
or from your Garmin dealer.
Your device is compatible with the tempe temperature sensor. You can attach the sensor to a secure strap or
loop where it is exposed to ambient air, so it provides a consistent source of accurate temperature data. You
must pair the tempe sensor with your device to display temperature data. See the instructions for your tempe
sensor for more information.