My device will not turn on or keeps turning off
Devices erratically turning off or not turning on could indicate an issue with the power supplied to the device.
Check these items to attempt to troubleshoot the cause of the power issue.
• Make sure the power source is generating power.
You can check this several ways. For example, you can check whether other devices powered by the source
are functioning.
• Check the fuse in the power cable.
The fuse should be located in a holder that is part of the red wire of the power cable. Check that the proper
size fuse is installed. Refer to the label on the cable or the installation instructions for the exact fuse size
needed. Check the fuse to make sure there is still a connection inside of the fuse. You can test the fuse using
a multimeter. If the fuse is good, the multimeter reads 0 ohm.
• Check to make sure the device is receiving at least 12 Vdc.
To check the voltage, measure the female power and ground sockets of the power cable for DC voltage. If the
voltage is less than 12 Vdc, the device will not turn on.
• If the device is receiving enough power but does not turn on, contact Garmin product support.
My device is not creating waypoints in the correct location
You can manually enter a waypoint location to transfer and share data from one device to the next. If you have
manually entered a waypoint using coordinates, and the location of the point does not appear where the point
should be, the map datum and position format of the device may not match the map datum and position format
originally used to mark the waypoint.
Position format is the way in which the GPS receiver's position appears on the screen. This is commonly
displayed as latitude/longitude in degrees and minutes, with options for degrees, minutes and second, degrees
only, or one of several grid formats.
Map datum is a math model which depicts a part of the surface of the earth. Latitude and longitude lines on a
paper map are referenced to a specific map datum.
1 Find out which map datum and position format was used when the original waypoint was created.
If the original waypoint was taken from a map, there should be a legend on the map that lists the map datum
and position format used to create that map. Most often this is found near the map key.
2 Select > Preferences > Units.
3 Select the correct map datum and position format settings.
4 Create the waypoint again.
Contacting Garmin Support
• Go to
for help and information, such as product manuals, frequently asked questions,
videos, and customer support.
• In the USA, call 913-397-8200 or 1-800-800-1020.
• In the UK, call 0808 238 0000.
• In Europe, call +44 (0) 870 850 1241.