Dive Alerts
Alert Message
Watch Action
You completed the decompression stop.
The decompression stop depth and
time flash for five seconds.
Your partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) value
is above the specified warning value.
Your PO2 value flashes.
%1 OTU accumulated. End
your dive now.
Your oxygen toxicity units are above the
safe limit. During a dive, "%1" is replaced
with the number of units accumulated.
The alert appears every two
minutes, up to three times.
250 OTU accumulated.
Your oxygen toxicity units (OTU) are at 250
units, and you are nearing the safe limit of
300 units.
Approaching Deco Stop
You are within one stop interval (3 m or
9.8 ft.) of the decompression stop depth.
Approaching NDL
You have 10 minutes of no decompression
limit (NDL) time remaining.
The alert appears again when you
have 5 minutes of NDL time
Ascending too fast. Slow
your ascent.
You are ascending faster than 9.1 m/min.
(30 ft./min.) for more than 5 seconds.
Battery critically low. End
your dive now.
Less than 10% battery power remains.
The alert appears when the watch is
below 10% battery power and on the
dive pre-check screen for your next
Battery is low.
Less than 20% battery power remains.
The alert appears when the watch is
below 20% battery power and on the
dive pre-check screen for your next
CNS toxicity at %1%. End
your dive now.
Your CNS oxygen toxicity is too high. During
a dive, "%1" is replaced with your current
CNS percentage.
The alert appears every two
minutes, up to three times.
CNS toxicity at 80%.
Your central nervous system (CNS) oxygen
toxicity is at 80% of the safe limit.
The alert appears during a dive and
on the dive pre-check screen for
your next dive.
Decompression Cleared
You completed all decompression stops.
Descend below deco
You are more than 0.6 m (2 ft.) above the
decompression ceiling.
The current depth and stop depth
If you remain above the decompres
sion ceiling for more than three
minutes, the decompression
lockout feature goes into effect.
Descend to complete
safety stop.
You are more than 2 m (8 ft.) above the
safety stop ceiling.
The current depth and stop depth
Diluent PO2 is low.
Flushing may be
The PO2 of the diluent gas is too low, and
filling the rebreather breathing loop with the
diluent gas may be dangerous.