Alert Message
Watch Action
Dive will end in %1
The watch will automatically end and save
the dive. During a dive, "%1" is replaced by
the number of seconds.
Do not dive. Failed to read
depth sensor.
The watch has invalid or missing depth
sensor data before you start a dive activity.
Do not start a dive. Call Garmin
Product Support.
Failed to read depth
sensor. End your dive now.
The watch has invalid or missing depth
sensor data after you have started a dive
Use a backup dive computer or dive
plan and end your dive. Call Garmin
Product Support.
NDL exceeded. Decom
pression now required.
You have exceeded your NDL time.
PO2 is high. Ascend or
switch to lower O2 gas.
Your PO2 value is above the specified
critical value.
Your PO2 value flashes.
The alert appears every 30 seconds,
up to three times, until you ascend
to a safe level or switch gases.
PO2 is low. Descend or
switch to higher O2 gas.
Your PO2 value is below 0.18 bar.
Your PO2 value flashes.
The alert appears every 30 seconds,
up to three times, until you descend
to a safe level or switch gases.
Safety Stop Cleared
You completed the safety stop.
Switch to %1 now?
In a multi-gas dive, a gas with a higher
oxygen content is now safe to breathe.
During a dive, "%1" is replaced with the
name of the gas.
You can switch gases now, or wait
to switch gases later in the dive. A
confirmation message for your
choice appears.
Switched to high setpoint.
The watch automatically switched to your
specified CCR high setpoint.
Switched to low setpoint.
The watch automatically switched to your
specified CCR low setpoint.
This pool dive will not be
saved to the dive log.
The watch is in pool dive mode.
The watch will not save the current
dive to the dive log.