BG9008W User Manual
Page 68 of 133
Figure 3-102 Advanced Parameters of SIP Service
The following items are displayed on this screen:
Enable Alive:
After successful registration, whether or not to send keep-alive packets.
Keep Alive Mode:
Keep alive mode:
Enable Realm:
Check the box to enable SIP signaling packets with realm field information.
Enable Session Timer:
Enable or disable UAC / UAS session refresh mode.
Enable SIP Retrans Timer:
When registration fails, whether or not to initiate retransmission,
retransmission cycle and time with configuration.
User Agent:
Check the box to enable signaling packets with
User Agent
Hold Mode:
Select the SIP signal format of call hold.
Enable Next Nonce:
Enable SIP packets with nonce count field information, incremented each
one and with a maximum value.
Support PRACK:
Enable or disable provisional response. If enabled, 1xx (except 100rel)
messages are required to respond with ACK.
Support User=Phone:
Whether or not SIP signaling packets with User = Phone field information.
Update Register Cycle:
Based on server response to update registering period.
Support Full Register:
Each registering packets are generated, rather than re-issued.
First Package With Auth Info:
The first registration packet with authentication information.
SDP With Audio When T38 Faxing:
T38 fax signaling packet with audio information.
3.5.4 Register IP Trunk
Add SIP account, the most important parameters are SIP account, password, SIP Server, IP trunk