ADP 4100 Printer
LOGO exceeds memory
: There is not enough memory available in the unit to load the incoming data
such as a PECTAB, Logo, or Template.
Press the ONLINE key twice to manually clear the message; or message will be cleared upon receiving
any valid AEA command.
Where ## = the LOGO ID
O n l i n e
L T : # # N o M e m o r y
TEMPLATE exceeds memory
: There is not enough memory available in the unit to load the incoming
data such as a PECTAB, Logo, or Template.
Press the ONLINE key twice to manually clear the message; or message will be cleared upon receiving
any valid AEA command.
Where ## = the TEMPLATE ID
O n l i n e
T T : # # N o M e m o r y
Incorrect stock type selected
: Ticket print message is requesting a stock type not currently configured
for the selected Bin.
Press the ONLINE key twice to manually clear the message; or message will be cleared upon receiving
any valid AEA command.
Where # = the Stock Type selected in the Ticket
print message
O n l i n e
M i s s i n g S t o c k T y p e
ADP 4100 Printer
Installation and Operators Manual
, April 2007