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F^k^ rhn pbee _bg] ^qieZgZmbhgl h_ ma^ ghf^g\eZmnk^ Zg]
Z[[k^obZmbhgl nl^] bg mabl hi^kZmbhg fZgnZe9
?\mbo^ l^glhk
Rhkjn^ l^glhk pbma Z\mbo^ ^e^\mkhgb\l
NZllbo^ l^glhk
Rhkjn^ hk _hk\^ l^glhk pbmahnm Z\mbo^
^e^\mkhgb\l- QmkZbg ‘Zn‘^ lb‘gZe bl _^]
hnm ]bk^\mer
Ahgmkhe lb‘gZe
Rabl lb‘gZe bl nl^] mh m^lm Z\mbo^ hk
iZllbo^ mhkjn^ l^glhkl ’\hgmkhee^] l^e_,
Ahg]bmbhg /
Jh‘b\ \hg]bmbhg h_ Z ]b‘bmZe bginm- Ra^
ohemZ‘^ e^o^e kZg‘^ _hk mabl bl ; /-7 T-
Ahg]bmbhg 0
Jh‘b\ \hg]bmbhg h_ Z ]b‘bmZe bginm- Ra^
ohemZ‘^ e^o^e kZg‘^ _hk mabl bl ; 2-4 T-
Ahg]bmbhg s
Mi^g ’^e^\mkhgb\( lpbm\a h_ Z ]b‘bmZe
hnminm pbmahnm ^e^\mkb\Ze e^o^e hk
/+2 @‘jgfjXc EejkilZk‘fej ]fi Ac\Zkife‘Z @\m‘Z\j
We recommend that you read the entire operation
manual thoroughly.
Keep this operation manual in a secure location where it
is available at all times. If the manual is lost, please
contact the responsible Futek Sales Company or
representative and ask for a replacement.
Instrument modifications (rebuilds, retrofits, etc.) normally
also result in changes to the operation manual. In this
event, inquire into the updating options for your
documentation from the responsible Futek Sales
Company or representative.
Obsolete electronic devices must not be disposed of in
household refuse/waste. Please give the obsolete
device to the nearest electronic disposal location for
disposal or contact your Futek sales office.