< System menu >
fix and return to an
information screen.
Movement of a cursor of an input box
Input box
The program version, and SD card si
e are displayed. The User name,
language and Unit system used by the system can also be changed.
The Information screen displays the T18SZ
system program version information, SD card
(memory size, card free size) information.
*If an SD card is not inserted, no memory card information
will be displayed.
Tap the [Information] button at the System menu
to call the setup screen shown below.
Return to System menu
Telemetry numerical values can be displayed in
either metric or SAE (yard-pound) units.
This function registers the T18SZ user name
and the language displayed at proportional can be
T18SZ transmitter can register user's name.
How to register user's name
1. Turn on the power of the transmitter.
2. Select "user's name" and then the keyboard
will pop up.
3. You can use up to 15 characters as a user's
name. Use the keyboard on the screen to
enter user's name.
Back space (Input box)
Next page
(Character list 2/4 - 4/4)
An input box is reset
The language displayed at proportional can
be changed. The initial setting is English, but
8 different languages can be selected.
Distance --- m (meter)
Speed --- km/h (kilometers per
Variometer --- m/s (meter per
Temperature --- ℃ (centigrade)
Distance --- yard
Altitude --- feet
Speed --- mph (mile per hour)
Variometer --- fpm (ft per min)
Temperature --- F (fahrenheit)
Telemetry Display Unit