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Telemetry data log function
Telemetry data has been adapted to the log function which is recorded at the SD card.
Setting method
Open the linkage menu Tele. setting screen.
Log recording can be started and stopped by operating a switch. The Logging switch is selected.
The log output interval can be set.
* The data to be recorded is updated at the time set by Linkage menu
System Type screen D/L interval. For
example, when the log output interval is 1 second and the D/L interval is 2 seconds the same data is overlapped and
recorded twice.
Operation method
Insert the SD card into the card slot.
Set the switch set by Log Start/Stop Switch to ON. A beep sounds and a log file is created and recording of the
telemetry data begins.
Absolutely never remove the SD card while log data is being recorded.
Set the switch set by Logging switch to OFF. A beeping sound is generated and recording of the telemetry data stops.
Turn off the transmitter power and remove the SD card.
Log file
A log file is created in the SD card LOG folder. Two files with the same filename, but a different extension are created.
(Example: 00001234.FLI, 00001234.FLD)
Extension FLI: Slot allocation information file
Extension FLD: Log data file
*When copying or moving a log file, always select both the .FLI file and .FLD file.
Log files can be converted to CSV format by using the telemetry log converter available at the Futaba website.
Altimeter altitude data and GPS distance and altitude data output with the point that time logging started as the
reference (0m). When the transmitter preset position and the log start position are different, the transmitter display
and the log data display will also be different. The altitude and distance from the take-off position can be recorded by
starting logging immediately after take-off.
The transmitter gear ratio or number of fins setting is not reflected in the speedometer log data (speed). Multiply the
gear ratio or number of fins by the speed data.
When the SD card becomes full, recording stops and does not resume even if logging is restarted.
Tele. setting
Tap the [Tele.setting] button in the Linkage menu
to call the setup screen shown below.
Speech interval set , data logging of telemetry.
A setup of the speech
Initial value: 0 sec.
Adjustment range 0~30 sec.
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