ACK packet generation
It is time for ACK packet generation. It takes 1.0 ms
ACK packet transmission
It is time for ACK packet transmission that the acknowledgement of data packet reception. It takes 0.45
ACK reception processing
It is processing time for ACK packet. It takes 1.0ms.
Serial output of received packet
It is time for output of received data packet to the host 2 through the serial port. The time period depends
on the communication setting between the host 2 and the receiver FDP02.
If the transmission is text data at the packet transmission mode, size of output data packet is message bytes
+ 8 bytes because the header is 6 bytes and delimiter is 2 bytes. If the transmission is binary data at the
packet transmission mode, size of send data packet is message bytes + 11 bytes because the header is 9
bytes and delimiter is 2 bytes.
At the headerless packet mode, the data size is message bytes + 2 bytes if delimiter is included. On the
other hand, if the trigger of transmission is “time-out”, the data size is the same as the message size. If
"Adding '<Cr><Lf>' to received data" function of the receiver FDP02 is turned on by the bit 4 of REG23
(setting value is 1) at the headerless transmission mode, "<Cr><Lf>" is added at the end of the data and it
consume 2 bytes.
Indication of data transmit completion
A response is returned to the host 1when the data transmission is completed correctly. The length of
response data is 4 bytes, and the time period of response return depends on the parameter settings of the
communication parameters that are described in above section
Based on the above data processing flow, the total time for the data packet transmission from the host 1 to the
host 2 can be calculated like below. (In the below calculation, no data packet re-transmission is supposed.)
(size of message in bytes + A) + B + 6.4
(C – 1)
(size of message in bytes + D) + 4.0 [ms] Expression 1
A: Text data is transmitted at packet transmission mode:
Binary data is transmitted at packet transmission mode:
Trigger of the data transmission is delimiter at headerless packet transmission mode:
Trigger of the data transmission is time-out at headerless packet transmission mode: 0
B: Trigger of the data transmission is time-out at headerless packet transmission mode:
"Value of REG26" x 10
C: Data size of message is 0 to 26 bytes:
1 (*)
Data size of message is 27 to 52 bytes:
Data size of message is 53 to 78 bytes:
Data size of message is 79 to 104 bytes:
Data size of message is 105 to 103 bytes:
D: Text data is transmitted in packet transmission mode:
Binary data is transmitted in packet transmission mode:
Trigger of the data transmission is delimiter at headerless packet transmission mode:
Bit length per byte
Line speed
the sender
Bit length per byte
Line speed
the receiver