Electronic pen operation
Electronic pen operation is similar to handling one-button mouse. There is a
button in the body of the electronic pen that activates the pen. Only after pressing the
button the pen performs the action. Pen without the button pressed remains inactive.
Double click is performed by quick, double-pressing the button.
Example: to draw a line place the pen tip at the beginning, press and hold the
button to move the pen in place of the end of the line, then release the button.
How often do I have to do calibration?
Every time when the camera or screen
change their position. It will be visible as a
shift between mouse cursor and electronic
pen position.
Do I have to repeat the calibration if the
camera is attached permanently on the
projector hanged under the ceiling?
No, you do not. In such a case the user do
not have to repeat the calibration. It can be
repeated at any moment when the user is
not sure if the board is calibrated correctly.
New calibration is necessary when a new
computer is launched to the set
The application does not see the camera.
The announcement says “The camera is
not connected”.
Check if the USB cable is attached both to
the camera and the computer.
Check if there is the red light in the camera.
funtronic sp. z o.o.
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