ft636 (14.10.2013)
- 22 -
Kompetent für Elektroniksysteme
ft636 (14.10.2013)
- 23 -
Kompetent für Elektroniksysteme
Line input configuration
1. digit decoder
0 = off
1 = PIL
2 = SQL
4 = AF-squelch
5 = PIL+AF
6 = SQL+AF
2. digit operation mode
0 = 4-wire TX always 600 Ohm
1 = 4-wire TX high-impedance, only when transmitting 600 Ohm
2 = 2-wire simplex, always 600 Ohm
3 = 2-wire simplex high-impedance, only when transmitting 600 Ohm
4 = 2-wire duplex, always 600 Ohm
5 = 2-wire duplex, high-impedance, only when transmitting 600 Ohm
3. digit priority
0 = none
1 = line before VoIP (Line->VoIP vor VoIP->Line)
2 = VoIP before line (VoIP->Line vor Line->VoIP)
3 = first come, first served...
4. digit AF-through-connection without line, without VoIP
5. digit AF-through-connection with line, without VoIP
6. digit AF-through-connection without line, with VoIP
7. digit AF-through-connection with line, with VoIP
0 = Line->VoIP off, VoIP->Line off
1 = Line->VoIP on, VoIP->Line off
2 = Line->VoIP off, VoIP->Line on
3 = Line->VoIP on, VoIP->Line on
AF-squelch configuration
1.-2. digit n*5ms above threshold value, until SQL detected
3.-4. digit ca. nn*1,8mV threshold value, AF detected
5.-6. digit n*5ms below threshold value, until SQL undetected
7.-8. digit ca. nn*1,8mV threshold value, AF undetected
Advance time register
1.-2. digit nn*10ms advance time for tone sequence
3.-4. digit nn*10ms follow-up time for tone sequence
5.-6. digit nn*10ms PTT turn-on delay time
7.-8. digit nn*10ms PTT turn-off delay time
Squelch configuration
1. digit squelch input
0 = active low, pullup on
1 = active high, pullup off
2 = free (audio squelch)
3 = free (phantom)
4 = active low, pullup off
5 = active high, pullup on
2. digit line filter (bandpass 300 - 3400Hz)
0 = off
1 = on
3.-4. digit nn*10ms TX off-time after own AF on line
5.-6. digit free
7.-8. digit nn*10ms TX off-time after own pilot tone on line
Содержание FT 636
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