ft635ule_eng (21.06.2012)
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ft635ule _eng(21.06.2012)
Kompetent für Elektroniksysteme
Kompetent für Elektroniksysteme
Incoming tone sequences are checked for conformity with the decoders T1-T10. If there
is a match, this decoder is processed and all the following decoders with lower priority
are not checked anymore. The correct number of tones and conformity with the key
tones is necessary for decoding. If all tones are to be accepted at a certain position of
the tone sequence or if this position does not exist in the tone sequence (e.g. tones 6-8
when decoding a 5-tone sequence), then the decoder must be programmed with 'F' at
this digit.
decoder T3 is to decode all 6-tone sequences which begin with 1234 (123400-123499)
register 322 = 1234FFFF: decodes all tone sequences which begin with 1234, tone
duration 4-15 digits
register 332 = 6xxxxxxx: 1.digit: 6 = valid tone duration is 6-tone sequence
Reg. Function
015 1.- 8. digit: own ID when transmitting ID
055 1.+ 2. digit: nn * 10ms PTT advance time before tone sequences and tones
055 3.+ 4. digit: nn * 10ms PTT follow-up time after tone sequences and tones
080 1.- 3. digit: decoder: maximum tone duration 1. tone nnn * 5ms
080 4.+ 5.digit: decoder: minimum tone duration of all tones nnn * 5ms
080 6. digit: tone sequence decoder at: 1=radio AF, 2=discriminator
081 1.- 3. digit: decoder: maximum tone duration all other tones nnn * 5ms
081 4. digit: decoder locking period after transmitting tone sequences n * 100ms
081 5 . digit: tone sequence encoder and decoder (0/1/2/3:ZVEI1/CCIR/ZVEI2/EEA)
081 6. digit: number of tones for ID-Mode 1,2,9 (RK,KR,R) (3-7)
082 1.+ 2. digit: encoder: tone duration 1. Ton nn * 10ms
082 3. digit: encoder: tone duration all other tones n * 10ms
082 4.+ 5. digit: pause time between call and identification nn * 10ms
320 - 329 key tones for decoder T1 to T10
330 - 339 configuration for decoder T1 to T10
33x 1. digit: number of tones
33x 2. digit: type of decoder:
0: decoder off
1: starting call
2: short dial
3: direct dialing
4: night mode
9: ending call
further configuration for starting call (2. digit = 1):
3. digit:
0: starting call only, no function during call
1: also ending call during a call in progress
4. digit: transmit confirmation tone y/n (1/0)
(must not be activated for block dialing)
further configuration for short dial (2. digit = 2):
3. digit: position in tone sequence for "100" range short dial number (0=default)