(1) Order of steps in procedure. When reassembling,
follow the steps in reverse order. These numbers
are also used as the Identification (location) No. of
parts in figures.
(2) Parts to be removed or installed.
(3) Fig. No. showing procedure of part location
(4) Identification of parts to be removed, unhooked,
unlocked, released, unplugged, unclamped, or
N = Nut, L = Locking Tab, S = Screw,
H = Hex Screw, CN = Connector
* = Unhook, Unlock, Release, Unplug, or Desolder
e.g. 2(S-2) = two Screws (S-2),
2(L-2) = two Locking Tabs (L-2)
(5) Refer to the following "Reference Notes in the
[4] Rear Cabinet
[2] Stand Hinge
[3] Stand Sub Cover
[1] Stand Cover Assembly
Fig. D1