6.2 Configuration to use WB-O2 Nano out of the CAN Network
WB-O2 Nano allows the selection of the display unit and O2 sensor reading
scale, but, these settings are read from the Power FT ECU’s during its
initialization. In case it is removed from the CAN network, WB-O2 Nano goes
back to factory configuration.
To setup these factory default configurations it is necessary to connect it to a
Power FT ECU through CAN network following this procedure:
a) Select an empty map on your ECU (this
step is very important in order to prevent
your WB-O2 Nano from reading settings
from the ECU map);
b) Connect the ECU to the USB and WB-O2
Nano to the CAN network;
c) Open FTManager Software;
d) Click the “CAN network” button on the
tool-bar (1);
e) Click the photo of the product you want
to setup (WB-O2 Nano) (2);
f) All the options regarding reading scale
and O2 unit will be at the lower part of
the screen;
g) The options selected in here is
automatically sent and recorded as default
on the WB-O2 Nano, not being necessary
to click save or sand buttons.
To check if the settings are successfully done, simply turn the WB-O2 Nano off
and then on again. The settings will be displayed on its display during startup.
It is recommended to make the
configuration of a WB-O2 nano to
simplify identification of the network.