700-SDI-RADAR-300WL-Man Rev 2 11 Apr Mar 2022
Part# 21371
Level Sensor Height:
the height of the radar needs to be set above the water zero-level
(“gauge zero”). The radar will output relative measurement of the actual water level
based on its height above the water zero-level.
Example: the radar is mounted 5 metres above the water zero-level (“gauge zero). If
the radar measures the distance between the radar and the water surface as 4 meters,
it will report a water level of 1 meter.
Hint: This parameter an also be set by clicking the “Enter Staff Gauge Reading” button
on the bottom of the screen and inputting the current staff gauge reading.
Power Management:
Switches between the three modes. Sleep modes are set when the
SDI-12 interface is used.
CONTINUOUS SCANNING MODE: in this mode the device continuously performs
measurements which are transmitted over the RS-232 interface and made
available over Modbus and SDI-12 interfaces.
SLEEP MODE: The device remains in sleep mode until the SDI-12 Measurement
command (aM!) is received. Power consumption is only 0.08W n this mode.
DEEP SLEEP MODE: The device remains in deep sleep mode until the SDI-12
Measurement command (aM!) is received. While in deep sleep mode, the
device will not be able to connect to Modbus or RS-282 interfaces. To
reconfigure a device which is in deep sleep mode, it is necessary to power-cycle
the device and use the Radar Configurator Utility application to connect to the
device within 20 seconds after power up. If there is no attempt to connect the
device over RS-232 interface within 20 seconds, the device will automatically go
back to deep sleep mode. Power consumption is only 0.04W in this mode.