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REV D July 2013
The transportation industry has adopted a modification with regard to the handling of obvious
and concealed damage claims. Therefore, it is extremely important that you examine every
carton and crate as soon as you receive it. If there is any obvious damage to the shipping
container, have the delivering carrier sign the freights bill, noting the apparent damage, and
request a damage report.
If concealed damage is discovered at a later date, the carrier must be notified within 15 days of
initial receipt of freight. Contact the carrier as soon as possible, giving them an opportunity to
inspect the shipment at the premises where the original delivery was made. Retain all
containers and packing for inspection by the carrier. Do not move the freight. Request an
inspector and claim number, then contact freight carrier
Concealed shipping damage is not covered by the FS-Curtis warranty.
A claim form can be requested from the carrier. Your claim will need to be substantiated with
the following documents.
Original bill of lading
Original paid freight bill
Original invoice or certified copy
Other particulars obtainable in proof of loss or damage (photos, damage inspection
report, etc.)
We suggest these instructions be circulated to your shipping and receiving personnel.