FrSky Electronic Co., Ltd
Tel: (86) 0510-85187718 Fax: (86) 0510-85187728 E-mail: [email protected] Technical Support:
Model image: There you can select a 64x32px,
4-grayscale .bmp file located in the BMP folder
of the
micro SD
as your model logo.
Timers: Persistent, if ticked, means the value is
stored in memory when the radio is powered
off or model is changed, and will be reloaded
next time the model is used. Minute call will
beep / say the time every full minute, while
countdown will also give announcements
several more times during the last minute. ABS
counts up all the time, THs runs whenever the
throttle stick isn't at idle, THt starts the timer
the first time throttle is advanced, TH% counts
up as a percentage of the full stick range.
Extended limits allow setting servo movement
limits up to 125% instead of 100%.
Extended trims allows trims to cover the full
stick range instead of +/-25%. The "Reset"
item will reset all trims (for all flight modes).
Trim step sets the precision of trim clicks.
Exponential means very fine steps close to the
trim center, but larger one the farther you get
from center.
Throttle reverse: Ensures correct operation of
throttle-based timers and functions for people
who like having full throttle with the stick
Throttle source defines what triggers the THx
functions of the timers. It's common to set it to
the throttle channel instead of the stick, so that
throttle cut or other modifiers are taken into
Throttle Warning: TARANIS would give you a
warning if the throttle is not idle when power
Throttle trim: IC engine mode, where trim only
affects the idle part of the throw without
touching the full throttle point.
Switch warning: Defines whether the radio
requests the switches to be in predefined
positions on power on/model change. To set
them, arrange your switches the way you like,
and long press ENTER.
Center beep: Makes a beep when the active
control(s) pass the center point.To set them,
press ENTER and move the cursor, then press
ENTER to confirm.
Internal RF:
Mode: Transmission mode of the internal
RF module (OFF, D16, D8, LR12).
Channel range: Choice of which of the
radio's internal channels are actually
transmitted over the air.
Receiver no. defines the behavior of the
receiver match function. This number is
sent to the receiver, which will only
respond to the number it was bound to. By
default this is the number of the model's
slot when it is created. It can however be
changed manually, and will not change if a
model is moved or copied. If manual
setting, a move or copy operation results
in 2 or more models on the radio having
the same number, a warning popup will
show up. It is then up to the user to