HPS Rotary Screw Compressor Units
070.700-IOM (MAR 21)
Page 52
Alarms, 26
analog input signal, 26
common digital alarm, 27
danfoss liquid injection valve, 26
industrial control actuator with dis‑
play (ICAD), 26
motorized industrial control valve
(ICM), 26
Low, 26
Med, 26
man machine interface (MMI), 26
Mod, 26
opening degree (OD), 26
parameter list, 28
analog input signal, 28
analog output signal, 28
automatic calibration, 28
digital input function, 28
fail‑safe, 28
ICM configuration,
main switch, 28
mode, 28
modulating mode, 28
old alarms, 28
password, 28
parameters, 26
digital input signal, 26
display, 26
enter push button, 26
solenoid valve, 26
liquid injection oil cooling, 10
liquid injection strainer, 30
liquid injection system, 10
liquid injection tube, 10
liquid injection valves, 29
liquid level, 9
liquid solenoid, 30
liquid supply service valve, 30
locknut, 7
low pressure transducer, 30
abnormal operation analysis and cor‑
abnormal system conditions, 35
abnormal vibration, 33
condensed refrigerant, 36
filter elements,
grease compatibility, 34,35
leaks, 33
lubrication, 35
main operating screen, 35
maintenance schedule, 32
moisture, 33
motor bearings, 33
NLGI grease compatibility chart, 35
noise, 33
oil analysis, 33
oil‑base grease,
oil level control, 39
oil level transmitter, 39
oil quality, 33
operating log, 33
pressure transducers
discharge pressure, 37
discharge pressure transducer, 37
oil pressure transducer, 37
pressure transducer, 37
transducer isolation valve, 37
recommended maintenance
program, 33
refrigeration oil, 33
servicing the cold‑start valve, 36
bonnet, 36
bonnet cap screw torque values, 36
valve body, 36
valve housing, 36
stop valve, 36
temperature transmitter, 37
vibration analysis, 33
vibration data sheet, 50
vibration readings, 33
manual solenoid, 31
manway bolts, 31
manway cover, 31
microprocessor, 12,23
microprocessor control system, 12
mist, 22
motor, 6
motor and bare compressor replace‑
ment, 40
motor rotation, 6
motor starter coils,
motor starters, 30
mounting bolts, 6
nitrogen charge, 7
dual oil filters,
main oil filter,
oil, 5
oil charge, 7
oil charge reser voir, 22
oil‑charging valve, 32
oil cooler, 9
oil‑entrained refrigerant, 31
oil filter cartridges,
oil filters,
oil foaming, 7,30,31,33
oil heaters, 8,12
oil leakage, 7,30,33
oil level cutout, 7,30,31,33
DIN plug, 38
oil pump, 21
oil pump coupling, 7
oil pump starter,
oil sampling valve, 33
oil separator, 12,21,22
oil strainer elements, 31
oil temperature, 9
operating level, 8
operating log sheet, 44
optical isolation, 19
packaged refrigerant recirculation
unit, 11
package vibration, 5
partial load, 11
pH, 10
pipe hangers, 5
piping layouts, 3
piston, 22
piston‑type check valves, 11
plate and shell oil cooler, 9
plate and shell type thermosyphon oil
cooler, 9
plug valve, 21
point‑to‑point wiring diagram, 13
power feed, 17
premature bearing failure, 29
proportional band, 22
PVC conduit, 17
receiver, 9,10
refrigerant charge, 5
refrigerant isolation valves, 9
refrigerant vapor, 31
refrigeration oil, 30
regulating control transformer, 12
roller bearings, 21
rotary screw compressor, 5
safety valve, 9
sales order numbers, 4
scaling, 10
self‑lubricating, 21
separator, 6,7,31
service valves, 31
setpoint, 6,12,22
severe water conditions, 10
SGC compressor, 21
compressor drive shaft, 21
discharge pressure, 21
self‑lubricating, 21