PowerQUICC III MPC8555E and MPC8541E Bring-Up Guidelines, Rev. 5
Freescale Semiconductor
Power-On Reset/Reset Configurations
An alternative to pull-up and pull-down resistors to configure the POR pins is to use a PLD, DIP switch,
or similar device to drive the configuration signals when HRESET is asserted. The PLD must begin to
drive these signals at least four SYSCLK cycles prior to the negation of HRESET (PLL configuration
inputs must meet a 100 ms set-up time to HRESET), hold their values for at least 2 SYSCLK cycles after
the negation of HRESET, and tri-state the pins afterwards for normal device operation. For details on the
power-on reset configurations and their definitions, refer to the
MPC8555E/MPC8541E PowerQUICC™
III Integrated Communications Processor Reference Manual
Useful System POR Debug Registers
The POR configuration settings can be read in the POR PLL status register (PORPLLSR), the POR boot
mode status register (PORBMSR), the POR I/O impedance status and control register (PORIMPSCR), the
POR device status register (PORDEVSR), the POR debug mode status register (PODBGMSR), and the
general-purpose POR configuration register (GPPORCR). See the MPC8555ERM for details on these
registers, which are all read-only registers except for PORIMPSCR.
GPPORCR can be used to pass any information on the local bus address/data pins LAD[0:31] to software.
For example, we can pass information about a circuit board revision number to software by driving the
pins in any order. The information is automatically sampled from LAD[0:31] during POR. Then software
TSEC1 Protocol
TSEC1 operates using the TBI (or RTBI) protocol
TSEC2 Protocol
TSEC2 operates using the TBI (or RTBI) protocol
PCI1 Clock Select
SYSCLK is used as default clock for PCI1
PCI2 Clock Select
SYSCLK is used as default clock for PCI2
PCI 32bit configuration
PCI interface operates as two 32-bit interface
PCI1 I/O Impedance
drivers are used on the PCI1 interface
PCI2 I/O Impedance
drivers are used on the PCI1 interface
PCI1 Arbiter
PCI1 Arbiter enabled
PCI2 Arbiter
PCI2 Arbiter enabled
PCI Debug
PCI operates in normal mode
Memory Debug
DDR debug information is driven on MSRCID and MDVAL
DDR Debug
No debug information is driven on the ECC pins
PCI1 Output Hold
PCI1: Two added buffer delays to meet 2ns hold time
(In 64bit PCI mode applies to lower 32bit)
PCI2 Output Hold
PCI2: Two added buffer delays to meet 2ns hold time
(In 64bit PCI mode applies to upper 32bit)
Local Bus Output Hold
One added buffer delay
General Purpose POR
No default state; pins must be configured at HRESET if GPPORCR is
intended to be accessed by a user system
Table 7. Power-On Reset Configurations (continued)
Type of Configuration
Configuration Pins
Default State