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1.3 Mode of functioning
The deep fat fryers Elegance made by frifri Aro SA are available in two variants: « S and M ».
The optional oil pump and filtration system is available on both executions, the optional basket lift only on
the Elegance “M” fryer.
The deep fat fryers essentially consist of a frying pot in which a submerged heating element heats the
frying oil and keeps it at the required frying temperature.
The frying basket with the product being fried is lowered into the hot frying oil manually or by the optional
basket lift.
The size of the frying pot, the power execution of the heating elements, the control panel as well as the
optional extras are for an easy daily use of the appliance.
Below are the main differences between the two executions:
Elegance « S »
Elegance « M »
Control panel
Membrane button to action the following:
. On / Off
Reset safety thermostat
. Pumping
. Navy pad for the selection and programming of the parameters :
fat melting cycle from 60 up to 90°C
temperature from 130 up to 190°C
frying time
shake time (alarme after 30 seconds ) active or
Control panel
Membrane buttons next to the rotary knob to
action the following:
. On / Off
Reset safety thermostat
The rotary knob with his 12 positions select the
following temperatures and function:
. Fat melting cycle, fix at 80°C
. frying temperature from 140 up to 190 °C
Program :
10 frying programs
Indication by Led
While fix or flashing indicate the status of the fryer
or a possible failure.
Indication by Led
While fix or flashing indicate the status of the fryer or a possible failure.
Display :
Shows alternatively the selected as well as the actual parameters.
Safety thermostat :
cut off all the functions of the deep fryer :
. if the temperature exceed 216°C
. if the working probe is disconnected
Available options:
. Oil pump system
Available options
. Oil pump system
Automatic basket lift