• “Tare error”, i.e. there is an error while tar -
ing a letter holder on the connected weigh -
ing platform.
Remove the letter holder from the plat-
form and repeat the taring procedure
• “Incorrect calibration weight” used when at-
tempting to calibrate the connected weigh -
ing platform.
Recalibrate with a correct calibration weight
(in accordance with the display) (5.9.7).
• “Scale not showing zero” appears while at-
tempting to calibrate the connected weigh -
ing platform.
Remove everything from the scale and
repeat the calibration (5.9.7).
• “Scale communication error”, i.e. interfer -
ence during transfer of the weight from a
connected weighing platform.
Repeat the weight transmission.
• “No character received from scale” or “Scale
does not answer”, e.g. when attempting
to transfer a weight from a switched-off
Switch on the scale.
Check the cable connections.
• “No valid weight”, e.g. when attempting to
receive a negative weight from the scale.
Repeat the weighing.
• “No scale standstill” when trying to transfer
a weight.
Check the scale and investigate the rea-
son for the instability.
• “COM not in protocol mode”, i.e. the
connection between the franking system
and the scale or PC/laptop is faulty.
Switch off all units, check all cable
connections and switch on again.
• “Error statistics box”, i.e. data memory box
is not connected while using the off-line
franking statistics program.
Switch off the system, connect the data
memory box and switch on the system
• “Please read out statistics box”, i.e. the data
memory box is full (cannot store additional
Switch off the system. Remove the data
memory box and download it to a data
receiver via a PC adapter. Reconnect
the box to the franking system and re-
• Pixel control display, i.e. rectangle with
crosses and, after touching the screen,
message “Error 405/406 – System Stop”
appears, i.e. print quality has fallen below
the internally programmed quality limit.
• “Value in head and display unequal”, i.e. you
attempted to initiate franking without first
confirming the inverse value displayed in the
value indicator field.
Confirm the value by pressing the value
indicator field (5.2.3/4).
• “Final number zero necessary”, i.e. the last
digit of the franking value must be “0”
(country-specific requirement).
Enter a valid value with a “0” as the last
digit (e.g. in the “Keypad” working menu).
• “Final number 00,25,50,75 necessary” for
the last two digits of the franking value
(country-specific requirement).
Enter a valid value with the correct trail -
ing digits.
• “No credit loaded” (in countries with remote
postage resetting), i.e. you have attempted
to frank a value that exceeds the amount
remaining in the machine.
Load credit (5.9.19).
• “Wrong reset code” upon loading the system
(in countries with remote postage resetting).
Enter the correct reset code (5.9.19).
• “Letter too small”, i.e. the mail item does
not meet the minimum postal requirements
for size (does not interrupt the photocell un-
der the printing mechanism).
Use the correct letter format.
• “Short letter block covered”, e.g. a letter is
already on the feed table when the system
is switched on.
Remove the letter.
• “Scale overload”, i.e. the capacity of the
connected weighing platform was exceeded.
Remove the item to be posted from the
• “Scale underload”, i.e. the connected
weigh ing platform is in the negative range
without anything on the scale.
Correct the zero (5.9.7).
229_Inha_OfficeMail:229_Inha_OfficeMail 30.4.2008 8:58 Uhr Seite 14