If you later remove the tared
weight, you must re-tare, that is, re-zero in
accordance with the above instructions before
doing any further weighing.
Correcting the zero
If the weighing platform is empty and, for ex-
ample, “2 g” or “–3 g” is displayed rather than
“0 g”, then correct the zero as follows:
• Press the “TARE SCALE” button.
The display is “WEIGHT IN GRAMS: 2 g”
(or “–3 g” for negative weight).
• Press the “TARE SCALE” button.
The display is “WEIGHT IN GRAMS: 0”.
• Press the “CE” button.
Returns to the working menu.
The display is “WEIGHT 2 g” or (“–3 g”).
• Press the Weight button.
• Press the “STANDARD SCALE” button.
Returns to the working menu.
The display is “WEIGHT 0 g”.
The zero has been corrected.
In order to avoid inaccurate weighing and thus
possibly incorrect postage calculations, you
should check the measuring accuracy of the
weighing platform S/SP from time to time by
using a sufficiently accurate reference weight.
If the displayed weight does not agree with
the weight of the reference, then you have to
recalibrate the scale as described below. (This
procedure may only be carried out by the per-
son responsible for the system.):
• Remove everything from the weighing plat-
• Select the “TARE SCALE” button.
The display is “WEIGHT IN GRAMS: 0”.
• Press the “CALIBRATION” button.
You are requested to “Place calibration
weight on scale”.
• Place the requested weight on the scale,
e.g. 5000 g.
• Press the “CALIBRATION” button.
The display is “WEIGHT IN GRAMS:
• Press the “CE” button.
Returns to the working menu.
The weighing platform is newly calibrated.
5.9.8 Viewing the error list
OfficeMail franking systems have a self-dia-
gnostic system where system or user errors
are internally stored. Using the “ERROR LIST”
button, you can view all the error codes on the
screen. This allows service technicians to lo-
calise faults quickly, an aid in guaranteeing ef-
ficient maintenance service.
Touching the menu field containing the error
list returns the system to the Info/Setup menu.
You can make the following system settings
page 2 of the Info/Setup menu:
5.9.9 Changing the ad cliché
Up to eight ad clichés can be permanently
stored in the OfficeMail (see section 6). The
ad cliché needed for franking can be activated
as follows:
• Press the “CHANGE CLICHÉ” button.
Display of the first four clichés stored.
• To display further clichés, press the “NEXT
PAGE” button.
• Touch the desired ad cliché and confirm by
pressing the “OK” button.
Returns to the working menu.
The selected and activated ad cliché is
displayed with its number (e.g. “AD 3”).
5.9.10 Changing the password
If the password entry is activated (see section
5.9.13), the password (a maximum 6-digit
number code) can be changed after system
switch-on and selection of the account num-
ber as follows:
• Press the “CHANGE PASSWORD” button.
Information concerning the relevant ac-
count number.
Request for new password.
• Use the keypad to enter the one to maxi-
mum six-digit password, correct any entry
errors with the “CE” button, and finally con-
firm with the “OK” button.
The new password is stored.
If you press the “CE” button
twice after you have entered the password,
the system returns to the Info/Setup menu
with the previously set password.
Using the highest account number of the
person responsible for the system, the
pass words of all account numbers can be
changed. The relevant account number must
have previously been selected, however, and
verified with the “OK” button, whereupon the
code stored up until now will be displayed.
The code displayed can then be overwritten
and confirmed with the “CE” button.
229_Inha_OfficeMail:229_Inha_OfficeMail 30.4.2008 8:58 Uhr Seite 8