gether with an alter nating bright/dark screen
background. A repetitive, short audible signal
also indicates this condition. To change the
cartridge for a
system (do
switch off!), proceed as follows:
Remove cassette:
• Press door lock (12) up and open door
• Turn cassette grip (20) to the right and
down to the stop.
• Remove the ink ribbon cassette (19).
Install new cartridge:
• For the new cassette, remove the transport
protection in accordance with the included
• Ensure that the cassette grip (20) is at the
stop position, right and down (the ribbon
must be tensioned).
• Carefully guide the cassette into the system
with the coil openings (23) over axles (22).
• Turn cassette grip (20) to the upper left be-
hind and past axle head (21) to the stop.
• Press door lock (12) up and close door (11).
• Touch the touch screen.
Question: “New cassette inserted?”
• Press the “YES” button.
Colour ribbon is tensioned.
Returns to the last-used working menu.
Option: Rechargeable Thermal
Ink Ribbon Cassette
7.2.1 Inserting/removing the RTIR
The procedure for removing/inserting the
RTIR cassette from/in your OfficeMail
franking system is the same as for the non-
rechar geable cassette type. Please refer to
point 7.1.
7.2.2 Inserting new ink ribbon
• Ensure that the locking pin (1) is disengaged
in the forward i.e. outer position. If not, push
the pin outwards until it disengages, simul-
taneously pressing it down lightly.
• Insert empty ink ribbon spool (2).
• Insert spool with ink ribbon (3).
• Push locking pin gently forwards and simul-
taneously upwards.
Locking pin engages.
Both spools are secured.
• Use the cassette grip (4) to turn the ink rib-
bon tension frame towards the cassette.
• Insert the start of the ribbon over the guide
• Press the “DEUTSCH” button.
The button label becomes “FRANÇAIS”.
French is now set.
• Press the “FRANÇAIS” button.
The button label becomes “ITALIANO”.
Italian is now set.
• Press the “ITALIANO” button.
The button label becomes “DEUTSCH”.
German is again set.
Up to eight different ad clichés can be stored
in the OfficeMail using a special
Ad Cliché
Loading Box
(see section 5.8.2). To pro-
gram cliché pictures in a loading box, please
contact your local Frama sales or ganisation.
Cliché pictures can be copied from a loading
box to a franking system as follows:
• Switch off the franking system using mains
switch (3).
• Connect the loading box to the 25-pole in-
terface (9).
• Switch on the franking system.
The copy procedure runs (“Test Box”
“Copy Box”).
The start mask for the account number
entry is displayed.
• Switch off the franking system mains switch
• Remove the loading box.
If more than eight ad clichés are
required, then two loading boxes (e.g. each
witheight clichés) can be used. However, only
the clichés of one box can be stored in the
franking system at a time (each box overwri-
tes the previous cliché memory).
Changing the Colour Cartridge
Your OfficeMail Franking System is equipped
with an ink ribbon cassette having
ribbon advancement.
This variable ribbon
optimises consumption of
the roll
if you do not use the date and/or ad
cliché (where permitted by postal authorities)
or additional print clichés. When you reach the
end of the roll, the franking system stops au-
tomatically (no fur ther franking possible). This
operational state is indicated on the touch
screen by “ribbon end – change cassette” to-
229_Inha_OfficeMail:229_Inha_OfficeMail 30.4.2008 8:58 Uhr Seite 12