User Manual EML1101
Basic Settings
If the upper limit is set too low and the initial value and the current target maximum demand are set
higher, these values will be set automatically to the set upper limit.
7.5 Peak power P1, P2, P3 and P4
The absolute limits for actual power P_act is set here for every profile. This function is an extra
function provided by EML1101; not to be confused with the control of maximum demand. Depending
on the profile activated one of four peak powers is valid.
As soon as
exceeds this peak power limit, an alarm is activated and loads are shut off one
the other until
falls below this limit.
Loads are shut off according to the following rules:
Loads with low priority are shut off first.
The minimal on times and maximum off times are not taken into consideration.
Loads with priority 0 and loads that are set to ON in the OPT-SW are not shut off.
The peak alarm is not shut off until
has dropped lower than 95% of the peak power.
Loads are turned back on according to the following rules:
Loads remain off at least as long as their set minimum OFF time. Loads where the minimum OFF
time expires first are turned back on first. If a number of loads minimum OFF times have expired,
the loads with the highest priority are turned on first.
The individual switching follows according to the set control delay time.
Before the loads are switched on a check takes place to ensure that this will not cause a new
peak power excess.
This function prevents overloading of transformers and generators, blowing of main fuse or tripping of
main circuit breaker. All of these may become very costly for e.g. a manufacturing plant.
7.6 Control
The control delay serves to force pauses between the ON/OFF switching of loads. This avoids over
reaction of the controller in form of unnecessary switching of loads.
If a large number of switching channels are used the control delay time should be set low (1-10
seconds) in order to avoid long periods of inactivity.
Control delay is not taken into consideration in emergency mode and in the last 2 minutes of a
measuring period, as an especially fast reaction time here is absolutely necessary.
Factory default setting is 10 seconds, it can be set from 1 to 60 seconds.
7.7 Control Application Point
Factory default setting is 35% and the range is from 0 to 75%.
Smaller values mean more sensitive control.
Emergency mode activated at XX% of total sheddable load
If loads switched on reached a specified size, then the EML 1101 can no longer maintain the condition
stated and activates the emergency mode.
In the emergency mode
channels with priorities
1-3 are
normally included (see section 8.2). As a last consequence the emergency channel will be activated.
The emergency mode is activated when P_corr is higher than the percentage X of the nominal power
of all loads included in the regulation.
Factory default setting is 45%, the possible settings range from 10 to 80%.
Smaller values lead to more sensitive control: Emergency mode is activated more readily.
7.9 Other
You can change to the next menu level with this menu item. Change with the CR button.
7.9.1 Measuring period
The measuring period used by electricity company is set here. Possible settings are 10, 15, 30 and
60 minutes.