Operating instructions
The section on the left shows the program list received from the inputs, those one decrypted by the CAMS, plus those input to the system from
the .TS files in a USB drive.
The text box and the dropdown menus filter the program lists for facilitating search. The easy mode hides automatically the double program in
the event of a decryption on CAM: if a program coming from an input is added in decrypt, only the decrypted version will be shown. The programs
which are not added in decrypt will always be shown. The advanced mode shows all programs regardless they are decrypted on CAM.
The input program columns show respectively:
the program name, the input the program comes from, the program type (TV, Radio, Data), if the received program is free to air or encrypted, if
decryption has been flagged for one of the two CAMS and the band used by the program (if the relative box is flagged).
If the program is used to create one of the four output mux, the box is automatically flagged and the relative band is shown.
To add programs to an output, drag and drop the program name from the input list to the output list. To do this, click the left button on the mouse
over the program in the input program list and keep it pressed and drag the program and then release it in the table for the required output mux.
The column of lists in figure 9 show:
the program name, the input it comes from, the program position (the lower the number the higher the priority), the assigned LCN HD value (0
if not specified) and the band used.
The position (or priority) determines the importance of the programs and, therefore, which will be cut first if there is a bitrate overflow, for
example: 1 = top priority, therefore the most important one and the one to save (see the paragraph Programming Indications).
The LCN and LCN HD parameters must be set so that each generated output program, including among a number of devices, has a distinct value.
If this is not to be specified, input 0.
To remove a program from the output list click on X in the right hand column (ACTIONS).
The bottom section of the table gives data about the band occupied by just the output programs (sum of the programs, not considering the tables
for the common TS and PID) and the indication of the interval of programs viewed out of the total.
By clicking on the icon <properties> in the right hand column, access is given to more advanced program management.
By clicking on the program <program properties>, the following screen opens:
Fig. 10
In the first table certain program parameters can be changed, by writing directly in the space, such as: name, provider, SID, the PMT PDI. When
a parameter has been changed it can be reset (returned to the original shown in the second column) by clicking on the arrow U on the right of
the change space. The last parameter in the list opens a dropdown menu to select how to set the program so that it is declared as free to air or
encrypted by the decoder:
• always automatic: the program is declared as free to air automatically if it is decrypted by the cam.
• always yes: the program is always declared as free to air even if it is not decrypted by the cam.
• always no: the program is always declared as encrypted, even if it is decrypted by the cam.
• unchanged: the program is declared free to air if it is not changed or if it is not sent to the cam for decryption.