Chapter 3 BIOS Description
Advanced BIOS Features
Hard Disk Boot Priority
This option is used to select the priority for HDD startup. After pressing
<Enter>, you can select the HDD using the <PageUp>/<PageDn> or Up/
Down arrow keys, and change the HDD priority using <+> or <->; you can
exit this menu by pressing <Esc>.
Virus Warning (Default: Disabled)
This option is used to set up the virus warning message for the IDE HDD
boot sector. W hen set to Enabled, a warning message will appear on the
screen if any program wants to write any information to this sector, and will
give an audible warning. The available setting values are: Disabled and
Note: Such function provides protection to the startup sector only; it does
not protect the entire hard disk.
Quick Power On Self Test (Default: Enabled)
W ith this function enabled, the system will skip the normal test while
starting up, therefore reducing the overall start up time.
First/Second/Third Boot Device (Default: Floppy/Hard Disk/LS120)
This option allows you to set the boot device sequence.
Boot Other Device (Default: Enabled)
W ith this function set to enabled, the system will boot from some other
devices if the first/second/third starting devices failed.
Security Option (Default: Setup)
When it is set to setup, a password is required to enter the CMOS Setup
screen; when it is set to system, a password is required not only to enter
CMOS Setup, but also to startup your PC, as well.
Advanced BIOS Features Menu
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