Model FT2
Start Up Sequence
The program automatically enters the Run/Measure mode after power up. If the Local display is
installed, the screen will show the software versions for the FT2 and the display module.
Refer to section
4.1 Programming using the Local Display
. Programming of the flowmeter can also
be accomplished using a Palm™ handheld or a Windows-based PC program. The PC requires a null
modem connection.
The device used to program the unit must have FOX software installed, prior to beginning the
programming operation.
FT2 View
required for Windows.
Measurement Mode
In the measurement mode, there are 4 different display screens (display 1, 2, 3 and a prompt screen to
enter the programming mode), 2 display screens are user programmable (refer to section 4.1.7).
Scrolling through the display is accomplished by pressing the F1 or F2 key to view the next or
previous screen. Pressing the F1 and F2 keys at the same time enters the Engineering Menu screens
(display 10 through 22). Keys F1 and F2 are use to scroll through the different screens and key F4 to
EXIT to the normal menu screen.
Pressing the F3 & F4 keys at the same time brings up the Total Reset screen prompt.
4 to 20 mA Outputs
The two isolated analog 4-20 mA outputs are available at connector TS2. Pins 1(+) & 2(-) are used for
the analog output associated with the flow rate. Pins 3(+) & 4(-) are used for the 4-20 mA output
associated with the temperature. Both require power for the loop to operate. Refer to Figure 3-3 for
Frequency/Alarm Output
The frequency or alarm isolated output is available at connector TS2 pins 5(+) & 6(-). When using the
frequency output, it can be scaled to represent flow rate for totalizing or flow rate indication. Refer to
Figure 3-4 for wiring.
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Fox Thermal Instruments, Inc., 399 Reservation Road, Marina, CA 93933