FORTEZA FMC 24 (50m, 100m, 200m)
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Then adjustment of sensitivity is completed. Disconnect the RS-485 and close
the RX cover.
2.6. Trial operation
2.6.1. Running-in the detector means that a 24-hour testing period should be
implemented after installation, preferably running for at least 3 days with all detections being
registered and analysed. During running-in detector’s operation should be checked twice a
day by test crossing the detection zone. If false alarms are registered, or no alarms are
registered during test crossings, check the sensitivity settings to eliminate defects.
2.7 Creation and saving of the report
In case you need to fix significant impacts on detection zone ( during test crossings for
example), not only when any response threshold (PL, LL, HL) is exceeded but also when
there is an significant impact on the area without alarm notification, you can mark the screen
ALARMS SAVE and then:
a). A screenshot of detector’s main active screen (settings) at the moment of impact is
presented in additionally and automatically created file stored in software storage location;
b). At the end of running the program, an additional report – archive (logs) is created;
c). Program ( version) is compatible not only with FMC series microwave
detectors but also with Forteza PC detectors manufactured previously.
The innovation shall significantly facilitate the work when adjusting detectors, help to
locate the reasons for “problematic areas” in complex objects. New software shall be
especially useful to the installer at the object working without an assistant.
3.1. Performance check
During the exploitation it is recommended to test the sensor operability
transmitting the remote control signal TEST 1-3 times a day.
3.2. Maintenance check
The sensor maintenance should be conducted by people, who underwent special
safety trainings.
During the sensor exploitation it is necessary to conduct check and preventive
works. Every month carry out visual examination of the sensor units and the protected
It is necessary to check:
- the absence of dust, dirt, snow and ice from the side of Tx signal transmission and
Rx signal reception; clean the units if necessary;