Charging Location Setup
Follow these steps to set time and charge
level preferences for a charging location.
Press the edit button for
charging locations on the charge
settings screen.
Select an address from the list of
recent charge locations. If the
previously saved charge locations are
not listed, then you must first select
add new location. You can also edit
settings for previously saved locations.
In order to save a charge location, the
vehicle must have previously charged at that
2. Confirm that this is the location you
want to save with the help of the map
view. Edit the location name if desired
and set a maximum charge level. Press
Depending on the GPS location, the
address on the navigation may not precisely
match up with your charging location.
Confirm on the map that the pin is in the
expected location.
Charging will stop when your vehicle
reaches the maximum charge level setting.
3. Set preferred charging times for
weekday and/or weekend by pressing
and dragging along the 24 hour time
wheel. You can set up to two blocks of
time (charge windows). Press next
once you have your desired time
settings for weekday and weekend.
Selecting all or none of the 24 hours
results in any time of day given equal priority
for charging.
4. The summary screen displays your
settings for this location. Press save or
press the left arrow to go back and
change your settings. Whenever your
vehicle is at a saved charging location,
the charge settings screen displays the
location name, and the charging times
are based on your preferred time
settings for that location plus the next
departure time.
Reaching your max charge level by
your next departure time is always the
priority. When charge times are set, charging
outside your preferred charging time
windows could be necessary in order to
finish by your next departure time. In this
case, the vehicle will typically begin charging
right away after plugging in. Charging will
pause when the rest of the charge can be
done within the preferred charge windows.
Departure and Comfort
Press the edit button for
departure and comfort settings.
Setting departure times allows you to
control charging schedules and warm or
cool your cabin and the high voltage
battery when your vehicle is plugged in, so
your vehicle is ready to drive when you are.
By setting a departure time, your vehicle
2022 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, NK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 202107, First-Printing
Charging Your Vehicle - Electric Motor