Instruction manual HT95
Date : August 2007
Documentrev. : 3
Page : 3 / 15
1.1. Hand Tool Function
The HT-95 is a manually operated hand tool designed for crimping loose piece
(individual) Mini PV™ terminals to various sizes of wire.
1.2. Physical Description
The major components which make up the HT-95 are identified in figure 1. These
include a frame, lever, tooling and tooling holders, and terminal holding pins. The heart
of the hand tool is the tooling. The tooling performs the crimping operation and is divided
into top and bottom component groups. The top group consists of those parts which
remain stationary with the frame. The bottom group contains those parts which move
with the lever. The HT-95 is equipped with tooling for crimping two different ranges of
wire sizes. These are identified as "A" and "B" on a plate affixed to the hand tool frame.
The "A" side tooling is for crimping terminals to wire sizes ranging from 28-32 AWG. The
"B" side tooling is used for wire sizes from 22-26 AWG.
1.3. Principles of Operation
The lever attaches to the lower tooling and provides the mechanical advantage to
generate the necessary crimping pressure. As the lever is closed, a ratchet mechanism
engages to prevent the lever from opening until the crimping cycle is complete.
When the lever is pulled closed, the lower tooling and terminal are pushed up against
the upper tooling. The crimp is formed between the wire and insulation barrel anvils and
the wire and insulation crimpers.
Once closed, the ratchet releases and allows a spring to pull the lever open.