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All users:
If you have any issues using the Easy Start
tool, open the file
More Info & FAQs
, where
you should be able to find answers to your
: When you install
Vocaster Hub
on a
Windows computer, the driver for
installs automatically.
Vocaster Hub
and the Vocaster Windows driver are always
available to download at any time, even
without registering: see ‘Manual Registration’
Manual Registration
If you decide to register your Vocaster Two
later you can do so at
. You need to
enter the Unique Product Number (UPN)
manually: this number is on the base of the
interface itself, and can also be found on the
barcode label on the side of the box.
We recommend you download and install our
Vocaster Hub
software application, as this
unlocks the full potential of the interface. You
can download
Vocaster Hub
at any time from
Audio Setup in your DAW
Vocaster Two is compatible with any
Windows-based Digital Audio Workstation
(this is the software you use to record and is
referred to as a ‘DAW’) that supports ASIO
or WDM, or any Mac-based DAW that uses
Core Audio. After following the Easy Start
procedure described above, you can start
using Vocaster Two with the DAW of your
Via the USB connection, Vocaster Two lets you
record all the sources separately, for mixing
later, but also has a Show Mix input which is a
stereo mix from
Vocaster Hub
To allow you to get started if you do not
already have a DAW application installed on
your computer, Hindenburg is included; this is
available to you once you’ve registered your
Vocaster Two. If you need help installing this,
please visit our Getting Started pages
where a video tutorial is available.
Operating instructions for Hindenburg can
be found in the application’s Help files, or at
Please note - your DAW may not
automatically select Vocaster Two as its
default Input/Output (I/O) device. In this
case, you must manually select Vocaster Two/
Focusrite USB ASIO as the driver on your
DAW’s Audio Setup* page. Please refer to
your DAW’s documentation (or Help files) if
you are unsure where to select the ASIO or
Core Audio driver.
* Typical names. Terminology may differ slightly
between DAWs