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(4) Glue a 1.75” section of the wooden stick between the elevator
You’ll need to cut a small slot with your knife, for the stick to fit
into. Then, hold both elevator halves folded completely back,
or pressed flat on the table, while you glue the stick in place.
(This ensures that both halves will be straight.)
(5) Fit the Horizontal and Vertical Stabilizers together. (BEFORE
the rudder is attached!)
b) Rudder:
The Rudder is a little easier to do than the Elevator since it’s a separate
piece. There’s still some work you’ll need to do to it though.
Bevel the leading edge of the Rudder.
Cut a small 45˚ bevel on the front (straight) edge of the rudder, on
what will be the right hand side. (See the Appendix section,
“Tapers and Angled cuts”)
ii) Trial Fit the Rudder to ensure it clears the Elevator, and that both
surfaces will have free movement.
iii) Tape the Rudder. Carefully trim the tape out of the rudder cutout.
Run a strip of 2” wide packing tape along the hinge line of the
rudder piece. It should be half on, and half in empty space. Now
remove the tape where the elevator connector will go.