©2003 FoamFly.com
iv) Tape the Rudder in place, then trim the excess tape. Put the tip of
the rudder against the center of the Vertical Stabilizer and pushed
at full deflection while you smooth the tape onto the Vertical
v) Test fit the tails into the fuse, and then glue them in place
5) Radio
a) Install the lower Wing Saddle Doublers in the bottom wing opening.
You won’t need to peel anything here, just glue them inside the fuse so
that the curves line up exactly.
b) Twist the Pushrods into each side of the fuse.
c) Start at a point about 1/4” below the front end of the elevator slot, and
aim the wire so that they come out on the inside about 2” further ahead
of where they went in. You can also get the hole started with a long pin,
or sewing needle.
d) Work the pushrods back and forth so they slide freely. It’s important
that the control rods don’t bind while you’re flying.
e) Before sticking anything, it’s a good idea to power up, center the servo
arms, and put the little connectors into the servo arms.
Mount the servos in the position indicated on the diagram (See the
plans.) at the correct angle to line up with the pushrods. Put your
double sticky tape onto the servos first, and then, after double checking
to see where the servo will end up, peel the other half of the sticky tape,
and firmly press the servo into place.