Operating instructions TSM-21
Status as of 12 / 2021
Page 7
2 Installation
There are 4 bores available for fastening the device on the bottom section of the housing. These are
separated from the housing interior.
Loosen the cover fastening screws
- Remove
Insert fastening screws in the channel and use these to fasten the device to a vibration-free
Important note
Fasten to a vibration-free surface.
Please make sure that the cable is not pinched against the housing in the interior.
Pinching can cause a short circuit and result in destruction of the device.
Procedure for high voltage test:
- L and N must be connected with each other.
- Test voltage may not be higher than 1000 V AC
- Every device must be tested separately
If the above criteria are not complied with, the device could be damaged and the warranty will be void.