If the performance test fails, a qualified technician should
complete the following calibration procedure:
1. Connect test equipment as shown in Figure 4 (Connection
B) and allow 30 minutes for stabilization. (Do not have the
shunt connected during the calibration procedure.)
2. Set the 5100B output to 8V at 50 Hz, and enable the 5220A
to operate. This produces 400 ampere-turns in the center
conductor bundle of the toriod coil (8 x 50 turns).
3. Set the DMM function and range to display 400 mV ac.
4. Using the Banana-to-BNC Adapter, connect the probe to the
5. Clamp the Current Probe around the coil as shown. (The
probe jaws must be centered around the coil.)
6. Adjust the calibration potentiometer (accessible next to cable
input to probe handle) to read 403 mV ac on the DMM. (The
adjustment to 403 mV ensures that the probe meets
accuracy specifications where response roll-off occurs.)
7. Verify calibration by rechecking the test points in Tables 2
and 3.
Remove the shunt before making the last check at
500A. Otherwise, the maximum current rating of the
shunt will be exceeded.
If the 80i-500s does not perform properly, use the following steps
to help isolate the problem:
1. Inspect the jaw mating surface for cleanliness. If any foreign
material is present, the jaws will not close properly and
errors will result.
2. Verify that the BNC is connected to an ac volts input on the
measurement instrument. (The Current Probe outputs 1 mV
ac per amp measured.)
3. Verify that the function selection on the measurement
instrument is correct, i.e., the display vertical resolution is
not to low or high.
To order replacement parts in the USA, call 1-800-526-4731. To
order outside the USA, contact the nearest service center. Use
the following part numbers:
Cable, 600V rms, Safety Insulated
Quick Reference Card
Order Fluke Part PM 9053 BNC-to-Banana Adapter to use the
Current Probe with a DMM.
The serial number date code is located on the handle. The serial
number should be used when ordering parts or requesting
service/calibration information.