picture 4 Install reducing pipe or gradually expanding tub to effect pressure loss
4. ) When the pipe diameter is inconsistent with the sensor, the sensor is installed at both ends tapered
or gradually expanding tube, and then with the pipe connection. Gradually expanding, tapered conical
tube should be no more than 15 degrees. When using 15 cone angle gradually expanding, tapered tube,
the pressure loss resulting from the curve in Figure 4 :
d.Sensor internal diameter; D.diameter, V.flow rate of
5) sensor installation should be taken in the horizontal electrode as horizontal position, once the media
containing bubbles or sediment, the bubbles will not be adsorbed on the electrode in the vicinity, resulting
in conversion of the input terminal open circuit; sediment will not cover the electrode, caused by zero drift;
(6) liquid-solid two-phase medium, the vertical installation of a more favorable, a measured medium can
prevent phase separation, two lining wear sensor allows more uniform. Vertical installation, the medium
flow direction should be bottom-up, so as to ensure that the sensor tube is always filled with medium.
Http: // www.flowmeter.cc