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Rev B
* Once EchoPod is configured and prior to installation, isolate the white and green wires from
active power to prevent a short of the configuration circuit
With EchoPod connected to your computer, open the WebCal software by clicking on the WebCal
icon. Follow steps 1-3 to configure the transmitter. Click “Help” in the lower right hand corner and
open the help menu of WebCal for additional instructions on WebCal. If you need additional
assistance using WebCal, please contact a Flowline Applications engineer at (562) 598-3015
WebCal Step 1: Configuration
This section of WebCal is where you select the application’s configuration settings. Start from the
top and work to the bottom, choosing the selections that are applicable to your configuration. “
” will automatically show when a selection doesn’t apply to your configuration settings,
and you may move on. All configuration settings must be selected or have “
Not Applicable
” before
you can continue to step 2.
Pressing the Clear Screen button will reset the configuration
table and allow access to all of the features.