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Example of a multi-mode listening:
By JSON file (to be converted into BSON format for the concentrator):
“scheduleRadio”: [
{ “cron” :”*/30 * * * * “, “data”: [30,60]},
{ “cron” :”15 23 * * * “, “data”: 120}
“crc”: 0
Explanation :
In the example above, every 30 minutes we have a 30 second listening window on the first configured mode
followed by a second 60 second listening window on the second configured mode. Every day at 11:15
p.m., we have a first listening window according to the duration defined in the config>radio>duration[1st
mode] parameter, followed by a second listening window according to the duration defined in the
config>radio parameter ->duration[2nd mode]. FTP Schedule
The FTP schedule is used to upload files to the FTP server and synchronise the product clock.
The FTP Schedule timer triggers are in the “scheduleFTP” object in JSON. The maximum number of timer
triggers is 8.
Timer trigger: mm hh dd MM DD
Type of file to be sent:
Bit 0: Data (1=enabled, 0=disabled)
Bit 1: supervision (1=enabled, 0=disabled)
Bit 2: log (1=enabled, 0=disabled)